The Student Room Group

I’m terrified of making a choice

I feel really stuck in my decision between Universities. I am Scottish and looking to study a business course at a Scottish University. The two prominent ones I want to go to are Strathclyde and Edinburgh, however, there are many factors that are influencing me and it is causing a lot of stress. I've got a lot of questions so I am going to list them and any reply however small or big would be greatly appreciated.

- Does a university being a part of the Russel group really make a big difference in a workplace application?
- Is there a divide and snobbery about Edinburgh University? (been looking at the news too much)
- Is Strathclyde seen in a good light in the whole of the UK?

As I write this I'm realising that there are two defining factors influencing my decision, Edinburgh's status and global image and Strathclyde's university feel, location and versatility. Aswell as this I feel as if I'll kick myself for not going to the other uni regardless of the one I end up choosing.

I'm very torn and I'm sorry for this post being a mess but I really need more opinions on this, I'm so grateful for this place. Thank you very much.


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