The Student Room Group

Open University

How flexible are the Open University’s deadline dates when studying part time, undergraduate? And is it ever possible to defer a module for a period of time and pick it back up again?
In terms of assignment deadlines, they are fixed dates and submission is by midday (but you get a 12 hour grace period, so until midnight).
However if you have a good reason for requiring an extension, you can ask your tutor for one. I've never asked for one so I don't know how long you can be granted but I think a week or two seems to be common judging from what my peers have said.

As for deferring modules yes people sometimes do this. You have to speak to Student Support I believe, but it's definitely possible.
Reply 2
Original post by PinkMobilePhone
In terms of assignment deadlines, they are fixed dates and submission is by midday (but you get a 12 hour grace period, so until midnight).
However if you have a good reason for requiring an extension, you can ask your tutor for one. I've never asked for one so I don't know how long you can be granted but I think a week or two seems to be common judging from what my peers have said.
As for deferring modules yes people sometimes do this. You have to speak to Student Support I believe, but it's definitely possible.

Thank you for that.
How soon into stage 1 was your first deadline?
Original post by Anonymous
Thank you for that.
How soon into stage 1 was your first deadline?

I started the OU at Level 2 and skipped Level 1 because I had 120 credits transferred over from when I was at a brick uni. So I can't answer that one I'm afraid.

I'm in my final year now, and my first assignment deadline this year was 24th October (term officially started on 5th October).
Original post by Anonymous
How flexible are the Open University’s deadline dates when studying part time, undergraduate? And is it ever possible to defer a module for a period of time and pick it back up again?


I've studied with the OU for two years now. You can ask for an extension for assignments and TMAs, and the OU are quite good about extensions. You can't defer a module you've started, it runs like actual university, so you would miss the rest of the year and have to pay again and start again. However, you can take study breaks inbetween modules, which would mean taking a year out. And you get 16 years to finish your degree. Hope this helps.
Original post by Molecules34
I've studied with the OU for two years now. You can ask for an extension for assignments and TMAs, and the OU are quite good about extensions. You can't defer a module you've started, it runs like actual university, so you would miss the rest of the year and have to pay again and start again. However, you can take study breaks inbetween modules, which would mean taking a year out. And you get 16 years to finish your degree. Hope this helps.

This isn't correct. You can defer a module once you've started it, and in some cases you can bank TMAs that you've done for that module.


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