The Student Room Group

Help me decide a degree for a career in Politics, please!!

Hi, i'm in year 11. Fairly confident on what level I want to study for A level. History, Religious studies, Sociology and then either Media/Criminology.
However i'm just trying to think slightly onwards, to what degree I might want to study. I've always wanted to pursue a career in politics, I have such a passion for it. However i'm stuck between the possibility of studying History and Politics and Politics and International Relations. If you could give me some advice on what to study, it would be very helpful. Ideally want to work as a politician, diplomat, political advisory, etc.
Original post by blasted-handcuff
Hi, i'm in year 11. Fairly confident on what level I want to study for A level. History, Religious studies, Sociology and then either Media/Criminology.
However i'm just trying to think slightly onwards, to what degree I might want to study. I've always wanted to pursue a career in politics, I have such a passion for it. However i'm stuck between the possibility of studying History and Politics and Politics and International Relations. If you could give me some advice on what to study, it would be very helpful. Ideally want to work as a politician, diplomat, political advisory, etc.

Studying either would be good. It’s more so about getting a 1st, the internships, the network etc. politics doesn’t have a set career path into it where you do a degree and then go forward from that.

Look into the civil service fast stream and see if there’s anyone you could email and ask to shadow or ask questions for.

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