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Help - childcare qualifications for nursery work

So in college there is a course called Understanding Children & Young People’s Mental Health (NCFE Level 2 Certificate) — Part-time can I do this for childcare like nursery setting will it be beneficial? And it says level 2 I didn't do level for this because there isn't I have to do level 1 for this first right? Lastly if this course doesn't help for childcare course what other alternatives for childcare course can I do? (I don't want to do level 3 childcare yet am not ready)
Original post by cloyd
So in college there is a course called Understanding Children & Young People’s Mental Health (NCFE Level 2 Certificate) — Part-time can I do this for childcare like nursery setting will it be beneficial? And it says level 2 I didn't do level for this because there isn't I have to do level 1 for this first right? Lastly if this course doesn't help for childcare course what other alternatives for childcare course can I do? (I don't want to do level 3 childcare yet am not ready)

Typically you can go into childcare with just your GCSEs. See:

If you're aiming to be a playworker, consider doing a Level 3 in Transition to Playwork:

For roles as a Montessori teacher, you would ideally start with a Level 3 in childcare:

Otherwise, if you want to become a teacher you would be doing a degree in childhood studies:

Personally, I would go for Level 3 qualifications in childcare if you could get into them. I would skip Level 1 and 2 where possible if your GCSE grades are high enough; spending extra time doing Levels 1 and 2 would only delay you in getting into the job. I would only consider Level 2 if your GCSE grades are not high enough, and Level 1 if you have next to nothing in your GCSEs.
Reply 2
Hi, I work in a preschool and the qualification most look for is level 3 children and young persons workforce (early years educator) diploma, some preschools/nurseries accept level 2. If you don’t already have gcse English and maths at grade c/4 or higher you will have to re take them or functional skills is also accepted for you to gain the level 3. If you have any questions feel free to ask as I still work part time in a preschool alongside my university degree.
Reply 3
Original post by KazStudies
Hi, I work in a preschool and the qualification most look for is level 3 children and young persons workforce (early years educator) diploma, some preschools/nurseries accept level 2. If you don’t already have gcse English and maths at grade c/4 or higher you will have to re take them or functional skills is also accepted for you to gain the level 3. If you have any questions feel free to ask as I still work part time in a preschool alongside my university degree.

I forgot to add if you don’t have level 2 or 3 early years educator qualification (or equivalent, play work etc) you can’t be counted in ratio and that will be an issue as it’s essential as part of the job. This what is in the EYFS curriculum, you can’t just walk into a child care job with just GCSEs or unqualified as OP has stated. Sorry it makes me rather cross as the child care sector is looked down on by most people and you have to undertake a lot of training and qualifications to be legally working with young children.

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