The Student Room Group

Eduqas A-Level Music performance timings

How is my grade affected if my performance goes over the time of 12 minutes? The specification made it clear that the mark will be reduced if it goes under 10 minutes but not about if it goes over. Will any part of the performance past the 12 minute mark not be marked?
Original post by aerithnull
How is my grade affected if my performance goes over the time of 12 minutes? The specification made it clear that the mark will be reduced if it goes under 10 minutes but not about if it goes over. Will any part of the performance past the 12 minute mark not be marked?

Hi there!

I hope you are doing well🙂 From my experience in this, it is quite important that you would stick within the time frame . Whilst it is definitely better to have more than less, from what I have learnt, examiners will stop listening if you go past the 12 minutes. It is also important to factor in external things such as walking onto stage, introducing your pieces, moving inbetween pieces etc.

Hope this helps!
Rachel (UoS Student Rep)

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