The Student Room Group

Cardiff sixth form college Cardiff or Cambridge?

If anyone is studying in CSFC, what are the pros and cons? whats your day to day routine and hows life there? I recently got an offer for sixth form starting in september 2025 in Cambridge and have been researching on forums and youtube videos and websites, i cant seem to find anything specific.
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 1
Hi, I don't study at CSFC but I know someone who does. Try dm Ashley142 on TSR - she's usually quite active and very friendly. She's in yr 13 so should be able to offer you loads of advice.
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by based_J
Hi, I don't study at CSFC but I know someone who does. Try dm Ashley142 on TSR - she's usually quite active and very friendly. She's in yr 13 so should be able to offer you loads of advice.


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