The Student Room Group


I’m surprised i got offers with bbc predicted but now im stuck on which is better for IR
Well, SOAS has a variety of uncommon language options which might be quite relevant if you wanted to pursue something relating to foreign affairs.
Original post by Anonymous
I’m surprised i got offers with bbc predicted but now im stuck on which is better for IR

were you eligible for contextual offers? x
Original post by Anonymous
I’m surprised i got offers with bbc predicted but now im stuck on which is better for IR

Congratulations on your offer! I’m a final-year IR and Arabic student at SOAS and I can share some insight on this topic.

The SOAS Politics department has a strong international reputation and ranked 18th globally in the latest QS rankings.

SOAS is also renowned for its specialisation in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East and its non-eurocentric teaching style. This means that we cover a lot of interesting issues and topics that are historically under-examined in mainstream politics.

The quality of teaching is also very high, and SOAS has an ethnically more diverse workforce than most other UK universities. Many of the staff are from or have spent substantial periods of time in their countries of expertise and can therefore provide very nuanced and authentic insights.

-S, Final-year International Relations and Arabic Student
(edited 2 months ago)

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