The Student Room Group

LLB Scot’s Law

Hiya, I jst applied for my five choices in UCAS for law afew weeks ago and I’ve heard back from one uni, Edinburgh Napier. Does anyone know how long Strathclyde or Caledonian take to send out offers. I know they don’t have to respond until march time but I’m really nervous and wondering if they wait to open the applications in January. Also I’m really curious to know how Strathclyde decides to give unconditionals or not and if I should be worried if they haven’t responded by now.

Is anyone else applying for law courses in Scotland?
Reply 1
I applied on the 6th of November, and I have unconditionals from Napier and Aberdeen so far. I really just want to hear from Edinburgh but am in a similar boat.
Original post by Anonymous
Hiya, I jst applied for my five choices in UCAS for law afew weeks ago and I’ve heard back from one uni, Edinburgh Napier. Does anyone know how long Strathclyde or Caledonian take to send out offers. I know they don’t have to respond until march time but I’m really nervous and wondering if they wait to open the applications in January. Also I’m really curious to know how Strathclyde decides to give unconditionals or not and if I should be worried if they haven’t responded by now.
Is anyone else applying for law courses in Scotland?

Hey Anon! 🙂

You shouldn't be worried that you've not had a response yet. I know it can be nervewracking but until you hear otherwise you're still being considered for a place 😀 If you have any specific questions about the admissions process you can email [email protected], but for now I'd say you've nothing to worry about. Even if others start to hear back (either positively or otherwise) - if you've still not had a response you're still being considered.

We'll make conditional or unconditional offers based on your overall application - firstly looking at the grades you have achieved, and whether you meet or exceed the entry requirements for the first sitting. Meeting the entry requirements alone doesn't guarantee you an offer of study, as they'll be looking at your personal statement etc too. It can be competitive so it may take some time for our colleagues in admissions to consider everyone, and as you've mentioned we normally work towards having decisions made by no later than the end of March (although it can be sooner).

Good luck with your application!! 🤞

Caitlin 🎓️
Official University of Strathclyde Rep

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