The Student Room Group

How can I prepare for my university interview?

Hey everyone!

For those of you applying to courses that require an interview as part of the admissions process, this can be a very nerve-wracking time.

If you are feeling nervous, take a look at the University of Reading's Stress-Free University Interviews course on Future Learn for some top tips on how to make the most of your interview!

If your upcoming interview is at the University of Reading, we also have some tailored resources for particular courses that you can make use of:
- BSc Architecture
- BA Primary Education
- MPAS Physician Associate Studies
- MPharm Pharmacy/MPharm Pharmacy with Preparatory Year

If you have any questions about university interviews or applications, do reply to this thread and out friendly student ambassadors will be able to help.

Good luck!

- Izzie (Global Recruitment Team UK) :smile:
Original post by UniofReading
Hey everyone!
For those of you applying to courses that require an interview as part of the admissions process, this can be a very nerve-wracking time.
If you are feeling nervous, take a look at the University of Reading's Stress-Free University Interviews course on Future Learn for some top tips on how to make the most of your interview!
If your upcoming interview is at the University of Reading, we also have some tailored resources for particular courses that you can make use of:
- BSc Architecture
- BA Primary Education
- MPAS Physician Associate Studies
- MPharm Pharmacy/MPharm Pharmacy with Preparatory Year
If you have any questions about university interviews or applications, do reply to this thread and out friendly student ambassadors will be able to help.
Good luck!
- Izzie (Global Recruitment Team UK) :smile:

Hi everyone!

I hope you're all doing well.

It has been nearly 4 years since I had my interview for the University of Reading, and I can still remember how terrified I was beforehand. I now know I had nothing to worry about, but it is completely normal to feel nervous about it beforehand.

My interview was conducted online and consisted on some sharing of information about the course from one of the teaching staff and a current student, followed by the interview itself. This consisted of several questions which helped the interviewers to get an idea about why I wanted to do the course, what kind of a person I am, and whether or not I would be suited to the course, and hence, the career that follows it.

In terms of preparing for your interview, I would absolutely recommend the courses linked above on FutureLearn!

I would also say to ask if there is someone who can offer you a mock interview. This could be a teacher, family member, or friend. They are likely to be able to either consider some suitable questions based on their own experiences, or they can generate some questions using AI or research some typical questions for your course.

When thinking about answering these questions, it is so important to be truly, authentically yourself. It is easy to tell if someone has learnt answers by heart that do not truly represent them, and the interviewer wants to know what you are really like. Think about your motivation for wanting to do the degree you are doing, both based on your personal experiences and what you would like to achieve if you go into the career. Try and show the knowledge you have about the career and the fact that you have gone the extra mile to do your own research.

Scenario questions are common in interviewers for vocational degrees (such as pharmacy, primary education etc.). For these, you may be given a situation which you might encounter whilst working the job and be asked how you would respond to it. Try not to panic and think logically through the best steps for this. This is an excellent way to demonstrate your research and reasoning skills so preparing for these is a great idea.

Another final tip is that if you dress smart, you are a lot more likely to feel in the zone and professional. Even if the interview is online, I recommend dressing reasonably smartly.

Generally, be you and don't panic! Show your enthusiasm as best you can.

I hope this has been helpful! Feel free to put any questions about this thread and one of us will answer it as soon as we can.

4MSci Speech and Language Therapy
hopefully, no one will apply for MPAS because its a joke made by HEIW and HIEEE . 100s are fooled by this government. Should sue their gut out for ruining students life.
Reply 3
Hi I have a few questions regarding the interviews for Reading, is it normal to feel a little nervous and how best is it to prepare for the SJT other than sample questions?
Original post by Hello2230
Hi I have a few questions regarding the interviews for Reading, is it normal to feel a little nervous and how best is it to prepare for the SJT other than sample questions?

Hello @Hello2230 ,

It is excellent to hear you are considering applying to the Univerity of Reading.

It is perfectly normal and expected to feel nervous for interviews; I like the phrase " nerves show you care".

Unfortunately, we cannot predict what questions will be asked in your interviews; however, the University of Reading has a great webpage about common questions and how to prepare for them. You can find this webpage here.

Similarly, there is a comprehensive webpage that contains information about interviews at the University of Reading, which is great for understanding the formats and what to expect on the day.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions, If you have any other questions please feel free to get in touch and we will do our best to help.

All the best,
Ella 😀
BSc ecology
Reply 5
Yes this has helped a lot, thank you.

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