Hello! I’m so pleased you want to study English lit at university, it’s so much fun and you will really enjoy it
I was an English undergrad at Aberystwyth University and I think we followed the same sort of day to day teaching routine most other institutions use.
Every term we did a core module eg. Nineteenth century lit, and then chose 2 option modules. We had a lecture and seminar a week for the core module and a long seminar a week for the option. In between we needed to read the set texts ready for the following week, as well as journal articles and other secondary texts our tutors gave us ready to discuss in the following weeks class. We would be set tasks to prepare during the week to get ready for class discussion in the seminar.
Each module was assessed by an essay and for the core modules we also had an end of term exam.
After I graduated I did a law conversion course and worked for a few years as a solicitor, in my spare time doing a masters in English with the OU. I know a few people who went into the law after an English degree so that is a career option. However, it wasn’t for me and after doing another masters degree in nineteenth century English at university of Chester, I’m now doing a PhD which I absolutely love and it was the best decision I ever made.
English doesn’t have as much face to face teaching as some of he other subjects, but it has a lot of self study and reading which you obviously enjoy.
Chester has an open day on January 18th, why not come along and you can speak to English staff about the courses on offer?
Good luck with your studies.
PhD English
University of Chester