The Student Room Group

how do i get a conditional offer?

hello im a y11 student,
these are my predicted grades,
english lang-6
english lit-6+

im also a senior prefect if that is any good.

do you think i would be able to study at a combined grammar and state school sixth form if i apply with these grades?
i want to do politics , economics and psychology alevels.

thank you
(edited 2 months ago)
You only get a conditional offer if you are a year 13 student who applied to uni through UCAS.

I think you got a good shot at being accepted at a sixth form grammar school. Go to the sixth form grammar school website and see what the grade requirements are for your subjects. Most grammar schools wants you to have a bunch of grade 6s and 7s.
Original post by liveloveleyla
You only get a conditional offer if you are a year 13 student who applied to uni through UCAS.
I think you got a good shot at being accepted at a sixth form grammar school. Go to the sixth form grammar school website and see what the grade requirements are for your subjects. Most grammar schools wants you to have a bunch of grade 6s and 7s.

Not sure where you may be getting that information. Most grammar schools would ideally want students that average at least a seven, so you want to aim for mostly sevens and eights, not to mention that a seven or above would be required for a subject at GCSE should you want to study that subject at A-Level at most grammar schools. The minimum English and Maths requirement in general would be a 5 or above. Either way, OP does have a good shot at being accepted if they keep or even improve their grades at GCSE.
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by KettleNoodles
Not sure where you may be getting that information. Most grammar schools would ideally want students that average at least a seven, so you want to aim for mostly sevens and eights, not to mention that a seven or above would be required for a subject at GCSE should you want to study that subject at A-Level at most grammar schools. The minimum English and Maths requirement in general would be a 5 or above. Either way, OP does have a good shot at being accepted if they keep or even improve their grades at GCSE.
I told OP that they still have a good shot at being accepted in a sixth form grammar school but still advised them to check the grade entry requirements. This is because most grammar schools in my region wants 6s and 7s, however i know this may vary. I got this information by checking the grade entry requirements from sixth form grammar schools that are based in London back in year 11.
Reply 4
Original post by liveloveleyla
You only get a conditional offer if you are a year 13 student who applied to uni through UCAS.
I think you got a good shot at being accepted at a sixth form grammar school. Go to the sixth form grammar school website and see what the grade requirements are for your subjects. Most grammar schools wants you to have a bunch of grade 6s and 7s.
oh okay, thank you !
Reply 5
Original post by KettleNoodles
Not sure where you may be getting that information. Most grammar schools would ideally want students that average at least a seven, so you want to aim for mostly sevens and eights, not to mention that a seven or above would be required for a subject at GCSE should you want to study that subject at A-Level at most grammar schools. The minimum English and Maths requirement in general would be a 5 or above. Either way, OP does have a good shot at being accepted if they keep or even improve their grades at GCSE.

dont mind me asking but how should i write my personal statement for my sixth form applications?

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