The Student Room Group

Which law uni should I give a chance?

Ive picked some aspirational unis like Bristol and Durham as well as an insurance uni which is Leicester (I’m debating the other insurance one out of sussex or Lancaster) but ultimately I really need a uni that has AAA as it’s entry requirements, I’m only looking for pure “Law (LLB)”. Which of the following ones would you guys recommend?

(Sheffield, Nottingham and any others if you guys know about!)
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 1
Original post by augustusthethird
Ive picked some aspirational unis like Bristol and Durham as well as an insurance uni which is Leicester (I’m debating the other insurance one out of sussex or Lancaster) but ultimately I really need a uni that has AAA as it’s entry requirements, I’m only looking for pure “Law (LLB)”. Which of the following ones would you guys recommend?
(Sheffield, Nottingham and any others if you guys know about!)

I’m in Y13 so feel free to ignore everything I say, but Nottingham was amazing on the open day. I’ve also heard good things from their current students. It has active student law societies, a really friendly law department and a gorgeous campus.
I’m in Y13 so feel free to ignore everything I say, but Nottingham was amazing on the open day. I’ve also heard good things from their current students. It has active student law societies, a really friendly law department and a gorgeous campus.
I’m in Yr13 just to clarify but I did pick Nottingham before your comment, so your comment only reassured me lol, thank you though
Original post by augustusthethird
Ive picked some aspirational unis like Bristol and Durham as well as an insurance uni which is Leicester (I’m debating the other insurance one out of sussex or Lancaster) but ultimately I really need a uni that has AAA as it’s entry requirements, I’m only looking for pure “Law (LLB)”. Which of the following ones would you guys recommend?
(Sheffield, Nottingham and any others if you guys know about!)
Hi @augustusthethird

The difference between unis that require AAA Vs AAB will hardly be anything in my opinion, plus giving yourself some flexibility is definitely a recommendation. Have a look the modules of the unis you are looking at and go for the course that aligns with your interests most. Of course still take into account things like location, accommodation etc.

Hope this helps,
Rachel -Lancaster student ambassador
Original post by augustusthethird
Ive picked some aspirational unis like Bristol and Durham as well as an insurance uni which is Leicester (I’m debating the other insurance one out of sussex or Lancaster) but ultimately I really need a uni that has AAA as it’s entry requirements, I’m only looking for pure “Law (LLB)”. Which of the following ones would you guys recommend?
(Sheffield, Nottingham and any others if you guys know about!)

Hello @augustusthethird

I am a fourth year LLB Law (Study Abroad) student at Lancaster Uni, our entry requirements are AAB. Personally, when I was applying for universities, I didn't really look at the entry requirements as a deciding factor, I went off things including; the campus, the feel of the uni, if I could see myself living there and league tables.

I also applied for Sheffield (AAA) and York (AAA) and was accepted to both but chose to go with Lancaster and that's okay! Lancaster may have a lower requirement and may not hold a 'special' red-brick status, but it definitely out-performs a lot of the universities that fall within these two criteria, so I think everything is quite relative.

If you would like to find out more about studying Law at Lancaster, please feel free to ask any questions below or make use of our Ask a Student function on our website where you can ask current Law students any of your burning questions!

Taylor (Lancaster Uni Student Ambassador).

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