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History Undergrad degree

I want to study history at uni my 5 choices are kcl,ucl,qmuol,city and soas. i only have 5 gcses as i was moving houses at the time so i was extra stressed. i failed drama french and a 3-2 in science. However the rest of my gcses range from 8-4 including maths and english lang. Im predicted A* A B. For Sociology,RS and History B is for history however which I'm trying to get up to an A. I have checked and im eligible for a contextual offer at kings and ucl, the acceptance rate for history is over 80% at kings and ucl. Will this put me at a disadvantage?
Original post by flower2431
I want to study history at uni my 5 choices are kcl,ucl,qmuol,city and soas. i only have 5 gcses as i was moving houses at the time so i was extra stressed. i failed drama french and a 3-2 in science. However the rest of my gcses range from 8-4 including maths and english lang. Im predicted A* A B. For Sociology,RS and History B is for history however which I'm trying to get up to an A. I have checked and im eligible for a contextual offer at kings and ucl, the acceptance rate for history is over 80% at kings and ucl. Will this put me at a disadvantage?

How many of those 5 want at least AAA?

Do you meet all their GCSE requirements?
Reply 2
Original post by ageshallnot
How many of those 5 want at least AAA?
Do you meet all their GCSE requirements?

Well now i’ve got my predicated grade up too A* A A kings and ucl want A A A queen marys and soas want ABB and royal hollway ranges from ABB-BBB. i have an 8 in english lang and 4 in maths when the entry requirements are grade 6 for english and a 4 in maths
Original post by flower2431
Well now i’ve got my predicated grade up too A* A A kings and ucl want A A A queen marys and soas want ABB and royal hollway ranges from ABB-BBB. i have an 8 in english lang and 4 in maths when the entry requirements are grade 6 for english and a 4 in maths

That third A makes a big difference. Get your referee to explain your GCSEs and you should be fine.
Original post by flower2431
I want to study history at uni my 5 choices are kcl,ucl,qmuol,city and soas. i only have 5 gcses as i was moving houses at the time so i was extra stressed. i failed drama french and a 3-2 in science. However the rest of my gcses range from 8-4 including maths and english lang. Im predicted A* A B. For Sociology,RS and History B is for history however which I'm trying to get up to an A. I have checked and im eligible for a contextual offer at kings and ucl, the acceptance rate for history is over 80% at kings and ucl. Will this put me at a disadvantage?

If you're eligible for a contextual offer at UCL I think you should be fine. History tends to be a bit undersubscribed - it was one of the courses in clearing when UCL entered the main clearing process for the first time ever last year as I recall.
Hi there,

From what I know of University entry requirements, the only required GCSE's are maths and english at a 4 or above. I know many people who have gotten into great Unis without their "full set" of GCSEs. The fact that you failed a few shouldn't give you a disadvantage, as it's mainly your A-level predictions along with your personal statement that they look at when deciding to give you an offer or not.

It's great that you've managed to get your predicted history up to an A - so now you are definitely at an advantage of meeting the listed requirements for all your choices without having to rely on a contextual offer!

Good luck
Jorja (LJMU Student Rep)

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