I’ve just finished my first official shift at Sainsbury’s (Sunday 17:00-21:00).
For the first 20 mins of my shift, my manager asked me to wait outside her office, she didn’t teach me how to check in or out (I had to get another member of staff to help).
Then all the managers left and I was on my own wondering around, I wasn’t told what to do or where to go. Again, I had to ask another member of staff to help me but they equally didn’t know what to do. Eventually a manager came to help, she gave me the job of topstocking 3 isles. She didn’t tell me how to do it properly and when she came back she’d always pick on my work. I’m also only 5’2 and when I reach for the top stock, I have to go on my tippytoes where I can barely reach them despite having a stool. The boxes are also very heavy and it becomes quite dangerous. After a while I began to feel quite sick and dizzy from reaching above my head and constantly looking up and down and started to feel quite overwhelmed. I suffer from anxiety so this made me panic quite a bit. Again my manager came over and picked on all the bits I’d done (or didn’t do) and when I told her I didn’t feel well and didn’t think this job was for me, she literally walked off. I wanted to burst out crying and have just got home and am crying. By the end of my shift I’d only completed one isle. When it came to the end of my shift, I had to get rid of cardboard in this machine which nobody taught me how to use, one of the other colleagues dumped their cardboard on me too. I didn’t finish until gone my scheduled hours and I couldn’t find my manager to let me out (store was closed at this point). I’m just looking for some advice or support as I’m feeling really let down from this job. It’s my first ever job and it seemed really easy when you think about it but it’s not. I feel quite disappointed in myself and embarrassed as I know people are going to think I’m pathetic but I feel like I couldn’t handle it.