I have the collective works of Oscar Wilde, which is an absolute beast of a book, in my book case. I've only ever read it all the way through once, when I was a teenager and I was home from school poorly for a while. I must admit the film version of the Importance of bring Ernest (Colin Firth) is truly hilarious. Absolutely nailed it.
I’ve watched importance of being earnest starring Brian Bedford as Lady Bracknell but haven’t seen the movie - will definitely check it out, thanks
I’ve watched importance of being earnest starring Brian Bedford as Lady Bracknell but haven’t seen the movie - will definitely check it out, thanks
Tbh, it must be hard to do a bad adaptation of ernest. But yes, a lot of the stuff he did was entertaining and most of the humour has aged very well given it was a good century ago.
I've been meaning to read Oscar Wilde's books for ages. I'm LGBT+ and I'm curious about Wilde.
Just do it. The comedy plays (ernest, windermeres fan ...) have a punchline every few lines and arguably better to watch the films as they were written for the stage. The books are a bit deeper so happy prince and dorian gray etc ...
For obvious reasons theyre more about men-women relationships (dorian gray being an exception), though the background is fairly obious.
I've been meaning to read Oscar Wilde's books for ages. I'm LGBT+ and I'm curious about Wilde.
There’s a lot of stuff on his homosexuality that you can research on as well - some of it is quite interesting. Also if you have time you might want to read Ballad of reading Goal - the poem he wrote whilst in prison, and De Profundis, his love letter to Lord Douglas.
There’s a lot of stuff on his homosexuality that you can research on as well - some of it is quite interesting. Also if you have time you might want to read Ballad of reading Goal - the poem he wrote whilst in prison, and De Profundis, his love letter to Lord Douglas.
Ooh, that sounds interesting, based_J. I'd forgotten he went to prison! Hmm, I will have to read one of his books over Christmas. Maybe A Picture of Dorian Gray.
Thanks, mqb2766, I'll bear that in mind. I'll make sure to read some of his plays as well. I'm studying for a Level 3 in Drama while I'm stuck out of Uni for a year, and Wilde's not on the course which is a shame. Since I have to read plays now I might as well read at least one of his.
I would not name myself an Oscar Wild fan, but his only book, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was the most sophisticated literature I have ever read and appreciated it. His drama Being Earnest pleased me.
It is been a while to remember any details, so I can't answer any questions about them. Just to mention it.
I would not name myself an Oscar Wild fan, but his only book, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was the most sophisticated literature I have ever read and appreciated it. His drama Being Earnest pleased me. It is been a while to remember any details, so I can't answer any questions about them. Just to mention it.
I'm not a big fan, but I love the book 'The Happy Prince.' In general, a great idea would be to reread this book. Thanks to the services of https://ukwritemyessay.com/ , I have more free time. I've noticed that I’ve started reading much less, and my vocabulary has decreased. I need to make a list of books I must read in February
Yeah, massive. In terms of its literary quality, The Picture of Dorian Gray is probably the best written book I have ever encountered. There is not one single word wasted and every line is genius.
He is definitely one of the people in history that we are fortunate to have had with us, albeit for a depressingly short amount of time.
I'm not a big fan but I love the book "The Happy Prince"
After reading the summary of the plot, I would love to have this in my collection. It is like a modern fairy-tale with a teaching lesson. Thanks for your mention, it is actually one of these books by Wilde I have never heard of so far.