The Student Room Group

Wireless invisible earpiece... your opinion?

Russian students have invented special means to pass exams without learning. :smile:
It is wireless invisible earpiece for your ears :smile:.
Thay wrote:
Practically it looks like this:
You take 2 phones, one of which must be a cell one. You attach the transmitter to the cell phone and enter the classroom. The second phone, which can be both a cell phone and a home phone (and even a public phone) will be used by your help-mate.
Upon receiving the question, the ticket, the varient or the composition topic, you just whisper it. Your help-mate, who can be anywhere (even home) starts dictating all necessary information to you. All you have to do is to listen and write down!
Photos are there.
What Do U think about it?
Reply 1
thats stupid.

the fact that u have to whisper to the person just makes it even more stupid. anyone who buys one of those deserves to get disqualified from all exams they take.
Reply 2
How can you whisper without getting caught? :eek:
Reply 3
Very Silly, that would never work. I can't help thinking that if some people just spent the time they put into inventing ways to cheat actually learning the courses, they might actually pass some exams for a change!
thats stupid.

the fact that u have to whisper to the person just makes it even more stupid. anyone who buys one of those deserves to get disqualified from all exams they take.

i think :dito:
Reply 5
Russian students have invented special means to pass exams without learning. :smile:
It is wireless invisible earpiece for your ears :smile:.

well i understand that children in middleschool cheat on their exams..but to cheat in highschool or even University? that's really silly.. ppl should realise that when they are learning they r actually doing sg for themselves!!
(that's why i love IB so can choose what you want to study! :smile:
i don't think it's even possible to cheat in IB papers because there you usually have to write essays... :biggrin: :biggrin:

but on the other hand.. it's kind of a good idea.. but not for students to cheat on their exams but for spies and similar ppl :biggrin:
Reply 6
why dontt you just get your "help-mate" to do the exam instead of you :rolleyes:
Reply 7
How can you whisper without getting caught? :eek:

make it look like you are reading the question to yourself :wink:
Reply 8
why dontt you just get your "help-mate" to do the exam instead of you :rolleyes:

But then they wouldnt have notes with them.
its like these muppets that pay £500 for an a-level maths module paper.
stupid thing is they still have to put so many wrong as to not arouse suspicion
very silly
Reply 10
It's not invisible; I can see it right there in the photos.
Reply 11
Zapsta,you are right,but in ear it will be INvisible...i think...
Reply 12
What a wonderful idea! :rolleyes:

No, actually it is ridiculously dumb! Not to mention unethical! :rolleyes:
Reply 13

It's clever. But i actually enjoy learning things. :rolleyes:
Reply 14
If you remember when Charles Ingram cheated on Who Wants to be a Millionaire- surely if the guy who was coughing at the appropriate moments knew all the answers, he should be playing instead?
Reply 15
If you remember when Charles Ingram cheated on Who Wants to be a Millionaire- surely if the guy who was coughing at the appropriate moments knew all the answers, he should be playing instead?

When that guy managed to get on and start playing for real, he lost it, really early on:wink:
Reply 16
What a wonderful idea! :rolleyes:

No, actually it is ridiculously dumb! Not to mention unethical! :rolleyes:

Russia > ethics.
Reply 17
When that guy managed to get on and start playing for real, he lost it, really early on:wink:

:laugh: that's great!

just imagine a room full of whispering people though... it would be ridiculous! and if it was an exam like English/Lit with an insert like a huge newspaper article, you'd have to read out everything! :biggrin: silly people