The Student Room Group

Occupational therapy at Coventry University Sept 2025

Hi, I'm a prospective Coventry University student, I've got an offer to study Occupational therapy in September 2025. I was wondering if any current student could give me an insight into the course structure and a rough guide to the timetable. I am aware that the course has been restructured for 2025 so will be a little different to the current timetable, I just wanted a rough idea.
How flexible are the tutors with placement locations? If we favoured a particular location (for ease of childcare reasons) would we get it?
Thanks in advance!
Original post by SamHus12
Hi, I'm a prospective Coventry University student, I've got an offer to study Occupational therapy in September 2025. I was wondering if any current student could give me an insight into the course structure and a rough guide to the timetable. I am aware that the course has been restructured for 2025 so will be a little different to the current timetable, I just wanted a rough idea.
How flexible are the tutors with placement locations? If we favoured a particular location (for ease of childcare reasons) would we get it?
Thanks in advance!

Hi there,

I hope you are doing okay. I believe most of the information is available here and for further questions you can contact student engagement centre they might be able to help and please do not worry if they don't get back to you immediately [email protected] or call +44(0)2477656565
Hope this helps

Amanjoti | Coventry University Student Ambassador |

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