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MMI Vet med interveiws

Hi, I wanted to ask what exactly is an MMI and what type of questions the interviewer asks. I would like to know mainly for vet medicine.
MMI = Multiple Mini Interview
You can have either online or face to face interview.

Liverpool and Surrey (2024) MMI interviews are conducted online. They send a link to a portal. Once you log in, your interview begins.
You will have a video recording of a question/ scenario and are given 4 min to answer it live whilst being recorded. In total Liverpool has 6 qns and Surrey has 7. Each answer is analysed by a different examiner, so if you "mess up" one of your answers it doesn't affect the rest of them.
I have not had a face to face MMI but the principle remains the same. You have a station with an actor or a faculty member presenting you with a scenario/ task etc. And you have up to 10 min to answer. Then you move to the next.

Here are some websites which provide examples of MMI questions/ scenarios:

MMI Vet Interview Questions 2023
Veterinary Medicine MMI Questions
Veterinary School MMI Mock Interview
(edited 1 month ago)
do you know what UCLan vet interviews are like?
Original post by wooooooooooooo12
do you know what UCLan vet interviews are like?

Unfortunately, no.
Original post by wooooooooooooo12
do you know what UCLan vet interviews are like?

As far as I know, UCLAN's interviews are in-person MMI format. MMIs are sort of like 'interview speed dating' 😛 Basically you cycle around different stations and, at each station, you're asked a different question and have 5 minutes to answer it. They're often different topics, like one station on ethics, one on anatomy, one on motivation, etc. As to what the questions will be like exactly, it differs from vet school to vet school so you'll probably need to do some of your own research.
Original post by wooooooooooooo12
do you know what UCLan vet interviews are like?

Hi @wooooooooooooo12 ,

I’m a second-year vet student at the University of Central Lancashire! UCLan, like most veterinary (and medical!) schools, uses the MMI (Multiple Mini Interview) format. MMIs are a bit different from traditional interviews. Instead of one long interview, they are made up of several short, independent assessments at different stations wiht different interviewers.
For UCLan’s veterinary medicine course, there are 8 stations in the MMI (you can find more information about them on UCLan’s vet med application page, find the link below!). Each station is designed to test different skills or qualities, and they can cover a wide range of topics, including:

Discussing moral or ethical issues related to veterinary medicine

Personal Questions and Motivation: for example explaining why you want to become a vet and what has inspired you, previous experiences, how you handle challenging times to name few

Thinking through or solving hypothetical situations

Showing practical skills or problem-solving abilities in specific tasks.

The MMIs are designed to give you a chance to showcase your strengths in different areas, so don’t worry if one station doesn’t go perfectly! just focus on doing your best at each one!

Some links you might find useful:

Best of luck 🍀
Martina - second year vet student 🐾

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