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TMUAs and Applying to Economics Bsc at LSE

I'm currently a Year 13 studying applying to LSE, Warwick, UCL, Bristol/Reading, QMUL/Loughborough. Predicted in Maths, Econ, Physics A*A*A and I'll achieve that by the end of the year if I work hard enough. My current grades would look around Cs and Bs.

I wouldnt say that I'm a exceptionally smart person at maths. I can get the grades but I'd condsider myself a pretty average student when it comes to maths and i've asked a lot of people about TMUAs. I've already booked for the January sitting and I was wondering whether I'd be able to get a decent score in a month and a half that I have left before the exam and if it's possible. I have no other choice but to do the TMUAs because Warwick and LSE require it and I don't really want to try any other unis because I think I'll get into UCL and the other two. Do you guys think Ill be able to hack it or should I refund and switch the unis to something else.

If you think I should continue do u have any advice when revising? I know most techniques but if u have any more I'd love to know.
LSE expect students whose school offers FM to take it - if you're in England all schools can offer FM through the AMSP. I'd suggest that LSE is probably not a realistic option then. The others seem fair prospects.
I've heard from others that there's still a chance of getting in without further maths. I was thknking if i did well on the TMUAs then that could boost my applicaiton as I already have a solid personal statement.

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