The Student Room Group

Newcastle accomodation available 2025 - 2026

Hey, I’ve booked Verde accomodation for next year (2025 - 2026) at newcastle university and can get other people a discount if they book using my referral.

I’m a current student there so I have access to rooms before other students do.
This also means I can have you offered a room here before other students can too.

The contracts available are for 51 weeks with a standard ensuite room.

If you’re interested message me or comment 👍

The accomodation is great quality but will book out quickly due to the current housing situation in ncl.
Reply 1
Hey! I was actually looking at this accomodation, is it any good? I heard it was cheaper to book directly through the uni though?
Reply 2
Original post by imdylan
Hey! I was actually looking at this accomodation, is it any good? I heard it was cheaper to book directly through the uni though?

If you’re going into your 1st year you can book through the university, I’m not sure what price they have for 1st years however I know you can use a referral code to get a £200 discount.

My referral a friend code is NEW90510
Reply 3
Original post by Muzz.EO
If you’re going into your 1st year you can book through the university, I’m not sure what price they have for 1st years however I know you can use a referral code to get a £200 discount.
My referral a friend code is NEW90510

Awesome thanks I’ll definitely use it if I can

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