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Bad gcse grades, want to do law at top russel group uni

Got 9888776554 in my GCSE’s (flopped because I revised the night before each exam)
Average student as my school has (7-9 in all of their GCSE’s, mostly 9’s and 8’s, I go to a grammar school)
I want to apply for law at top russel groups like KCL, Durham and Exeter
Is this still possible, and would I have a solid chance?
Would I need very high a level predicted grades?
I have some good law related extracurriculars like a debate society I’ve been attending outside of school for almost 2 years now, performing arts and won a law essay comp.
I haven’t done the LNAT yet, would I need to score very high in that?
Reply 1
Original post by student68483839
Got 9888776554 in my GCSE’s (flopped because I revised the night before each exam)
Average student as my school has (7-9 in all of their GCSE’s, mostly 9’s and 8’s, I go to a grammar school)
I want to apply for law at top russel groups like KCL, Durham and Exeter
Is this still possible, and would I have a solid chance?
Would I need very high a level predicted grades?
I have some good law related extracurriculars like a debate society I’ve been attending outside of school for almost 2 years now, performing arts and won a law essay comp.
I haven’t done the LNAT yet, would I need to score very high in that?

i have a few questions to ask before i give my thought. Firstly what subjects did you get each grade in?

And the LNAT i think it would defiantly heighten your chances. Take what i say next with a grain of salt but i attended a careers fair and the Durham representative said that the LNAT was more of a technicality for them. But it wouldn't hurt to try and get a good LNAT score as it will set you apart from other people

For predicted grades A* AA or A* A* A would probably be ideal maybe a bit lower if you did EPQ.

But you're supercurriculars look fab though. Coming from someone who did read 1 book and went to the courts once and wrote about it and got an oxford interview you have more then enough for a competitive application <3
9 - Eng Lang
8 - Eng lit
8 - Drama
8 - RS
7 - History
7 - French
6 - Maths
5 - Bio
5 - Chem
4 - Physics

I’m currently studying a level politics, psychology and English literature
Thanks for your response and good luck with your interview!
Reply 3
Original post by student68483839
9 - Eng Lang
8 - Eng lit
8 - Drama
8 - RS
7 - History
7 - French
6 - Maths
5 - Bio
5 - Chem
4 - Physics
I’m currently studying a level politics, psychology and English literature
Thanks for your response and good luck with your interview!

You will be absolutely fine. You’ve got top grades in all essay based subjects and your lowest scores in STEM subjects which is less important in law in comparison. You’ve got 9s, 8s and 7s across the board don’t stress.
Reply 4
Original post by student68483839
9 - Eng Lang
8 - Eng lit
8 - Drama
8 - RS
7 - History
7 - French
6 - Maths
5 - Bio
5 - Chem
4 - Physics
I’m currently studying a level politics, psychology and English literature
Thanks for your response and good luck with your interview!

someone has already replied with those grades i don't see why they wouldn't. usually the 6 in maths would be a bit worrying just because its one of the core subjects however because you did really well on essay based subjects especially english lit i think it wouldn't stop you from applying to a russel group (:
Original post by student68483839
Got 9888776554 in my GCSE’s (flopped because I revised the night before each exam)
Average student as my school has (7-9 in all of their GCSE’s, mostly 9’s and 8’s, I go to a grammar school)
I want to apply for law at top russel groups like KCL, Durham and Exeter
Is this still possible, and would I have a solid chance?
Would I need very high a level predicted grades?
I have some good law related extracurriculars like a debate society I’ve been attending outside of school for almost 2 years now, performing arts and won a law essay comp.
I haven’t done the LNAT yet, would I need to score very high in that?

I got 77555444 (yes i have now realised after being on this app that my GCSE grades are the epitome of bad after seeing everyone else’s) in my gcses and have still received an offer from a russel group uni within just a few days after i had sent my application (sheffield AAA) with predictions A*AA.
Still waiting to hear back from Bristol and York however i have heard that the only unis that really do actually consider gcses to such an extent are the top ranked ones such as Oxford and Cambridge - someone please correct me if i’m wrong.
Original post by student68483839
9 - Eng Lang
8 - Eng lit
8 - Drama
8 - RS
7 - History
7 - French
6 - Maths
5 - Bio
5 - Chem
4 - Physics
I’m currently studying a level politics, psychology and English literature
Thanks for your response and good luck with your interview!

Your GCSE grades are good enough with the only exception being LSE and Oxbridge due to fierce competition.

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