The Student Room Group

History/English Oxford interviews

Hi, I've applied for English/History at Jesus College, Oxford. Has anyone else applying for the same, or just English/History individually heard anything back yet on interviews? Is no news good news? Thanks! :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by gwengbs
Hi, I've applied for English/History at Jesus College, Oxford. Has anyone else applying for the same, or just English/History individually heard anything back yet on interviews? Is no news good news? Thanks! :smile:

I’ve applied for Philosophy and Theology at Jesus and also haven’t heard back. I’d also say that no news is neither good or bad news, they will send out invites and rejections at the same time, depending on the college and faculty. Good luck!
Reply 2
Thank you! Good luck!
Reply 3
Original post by gwengbs
Thank you! Good luck!

in your initial email from Jesus did they say that you’d get your invite in December? I’ve just looked back at mine and unsure if that’s specifically for my course or for Jesus in general.
Reply 4
Original post by gwengbs
Hi, I've applied for English/History at Jesus College, Oxford. Has anyone else applying for the same, or just English/History individually heard anything back yet on interviews? Is no news good news? Thanks! :smile:

Daughter has applied for History & English at Balliol. No news yet!
Reply 5
Original post by TheWord
Daughter has applied for History & English at Balliol. No news yet!

Ahh, I’ve applied for history and politics! My email is still completely dry 😅 any invitation for your daughter yet?
Reply 6
Original post by angelllb
Ahh, I’ve applied for history and politics! My email is still completely dry 😅 any invitation for your daughter yet?

Nope, not a sausage.
Reply 7
Daughter just found out she has an interview at Balliol. Phew.
Reply 8
Original post by TheWord
Daughter just found out she has an interview at Balliol. Phew.

Wish her the best!

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