The Student Room Group

Best aspects of Cardiff medicine C21?

Can any Cardiff medical students tell me their favourite things about the course, particularly in the first couple of years? Really interested to hear your perspectives. Thank you. 😊
Original post by Anonymous
Can any Cardiff medical students tell me their favourite things about the course, particularly in the first couple of years? Really interested to hear your perspectives. Thank you. 😊


Sorry im not a medical student. But im glad to see your so keen on cardiff, i love it here, and thanks for your question.
If you follow this link you can chat directly to some of our medical students!

If you have any other questions i might be able to help with let me know! Hope this helps!

Grace - Cardiff Uni Student Rep
Original post by Anonymous
Can any Cardiff medical students tell me their favourite things about the course, particularly in the first couple of years? Really interested to hear your perspectives. Thank you. 😊

Did you get an Ofer ?
If not would highly recommend the offer holders day.
If this is for next year the open day is excellent with a chance to meet per clinical and clinical students.
Things my daughter loved were - anatomy dissections, student union, extended elective (4weeks plus 4 weeks holiday), simulation suites and the unbelievably effort the uninput in, the variety of clinical placements across wales. My daughter has interview in jan. Good luck .
Reply 3
Original post by Genpractice
Did you get an Ofer ?
If not would highly recommend the offer holders day.
If this is for next year the open day is excellent with a chance to meet per clinical and clinical students.
Things my daughter loved were - anatomy dissections, student union, extended elective (4weeks plus 4 weeks holiday), simulation suites and the unbelievably effort the uninput in, the variety of clinical placements across wales. My daughter has interview in jan. Good luck .

Thank you for that information. Good luck to your daughter. Yes, interview offer here too.

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