The Student Room Group

Anyone else finding CSM is not all that?

Quite a lot of talentless people in general. The few British people there are the worst *****es of them all and have zero talent
That’s very common.
Like lots of London universities they get by on reputation more than talent, teaching, good facilities.
Admissions is based on how well your face fits and how big your wallet is.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
That’s very common.
Like lots of London universities they get by on reputation more than talent, teaching, good facilities.
Admissions is based on how well your face fits and how big your wallet is.

You say they are talentless sounds weird !!!On what basis are the requirements assessed if they are not good? I know students have to pass ( also), an interview
Original post by Anonymous
Quite a lot of talentless people in general. The few British people there are the worst *****es of them all and have zero talent

Why few Brits ? D u think I have any chance to get an offer with 6 in my ielts ? I am in trouble with my no fluent English , I rely on translator and. I m afraid I could not use it in class!

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