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TMUA Results

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Reply 1
so far avg ive personally seen is 2-3 - yikes.
Reply 2
so far avg ive personally seen is 2-3 - yikes.

meant 2-4 mb . personally i got 1.7 so drop urs below cant be worse than mine
Reply 3
meant 2-4 mb . personally i got 1.7 so drop urs below cant be worse than mine

2.6 big man 😖😖😖
Reply 4
wht course where u applyin ?
Reply 5
meant 2-4 mb . personally i got 1.7 so drop urs below cant be worse than mine

I got a 5.0 which sounds okay but it was much worse than all of my past paper so don’t really know how to feel. just gotta wait to see what the unis say ig.
Reply 6
Original post by ivanle0ne
I got a 5.0 which sounds okay but it was much worse than all of my past paper so don’t really know how to feel. just gotta wait to see what the unis say ig.

Grade boundaries have been altered this year so that's actually equivalent to last years' 6.5 🙂
Reply 7
I got a 5.5 which is much worse than I was hoping for. Do you think it would be good enough for Imperial comp sci
Reply 8
Original post by Msytry
I got a 5.5 which is much worse than I was hoping for. Do you think it would be good enough for Imperial comp sci

Roughly equivalent to a 7 last year so quite probably! 6.5 last year is equivalent ro a 5 this year so you've done better than you think.
Original post by iswrenokay
Roughly equivalent to a 7 last year so quite probably! 6.5 last year is equivalent ro a 5 this year so you've done better than you think.

This is not true, a 7 last year was the top 15% which would now equate to roughly a 6.4
Original post by Flippergail
This is not true, a 7 last year was the top 15% which would now equate to roughly a 6.4

It kind of is- the distribution this year has been completely screwed by the unusually huge proportion of 9s. So yeah maybe top 15% this year starts at 6.4, but that includes the “false” 9 grades. So in terms of what universities are looking for, they’re seeing a 5 this year how they would have seen a 6.5 last year. So I think it’s fair to make a guess that a 5.5 this year will be seen as roughly the same as a 7? You’re not wrong about the top 15% but it doesn’t quite work that out when that includes some very falsely Inflated grades
Original post by iswrenokay
It kind of is- the distribution this year has been completely screwed by the unusually huge proportion of 9s. So yeah maybe top 15% this year starts at 6.4, but that includes the “false” 9 grades. So in terms of what universities are looking for, they’re seeing a 5 this year how they would have seen a 6.5 last year. So I think it’s fair to make a guess that a 5.5 this year will be seen as roughly the same as a 7? You’re not wrong about the top 15% but it doesn’t quite work that out when that includes some very falsely Inflated grades

Wdym falsely inflated grades
Original post by Flippergail
Wdym falsely inflated grades

There was a huuuge amount of leakage, especially in China, so there were a lot of students achieving 100% and therefore getting 9s because of the leaked papers. Falsely inflated isn’t the right term but it’s the best my brain can do rn!
Reply 13
Original post by iswrenokay
There was a huuuge amount of leakage, especially in China, so there were a lot of students achieving 100% and therefore getting 9s because of the leaked papers. Falsely inflated isn’t the right term but it’s the best my brain can do rn!

For interest, is this "public" or ...?
Original post by mqb2766
For interest, is this "public" or ...?

Pearson released a statement about it but I don’t think they’ve acknowledged how bad it is. You can look at the distribution on their website, the number of 9s is MUCH higher than number of 8s.
Reply 15
wht course where u applyin ?

maths imperial and warwick
Original post by iswrenokay
Pearson released a statement about it but I don’t think they’ve acknowledged how bad it is. You can look at the distribution on their website, the number of 9s is MUCH higher than number of 8s.

Sadly I think unis won’t be able to differentiate between cheaters and non cheaters so everyone will be treated as a non cheater
Reply 17
Original post by iswrenokay
Pearson released a statement about it but I don’t think they’ve acknowledged how bad it is. You can look at the distribution on their website, the number of 9s is MUCH higher than number of 8s.

From a quick google
Id not come across it - thanks.

has the 2022-2017 and 2024 distributions. There is a small bump at 9 for 2022 as well, though it is less noticeable and somewhat surprisingly its not on the individual papers (maybe simpsons paradox coming into play). There was a larger 9 - bump in 2019/8/7 than 2024. Not sure what it means.
(edited 2 months ago)
If you got less than a 6 it's over for you
I got an 8.1 but didnt know that it was because of cheaters that there were so many 9's which is really annoying as mine couldve really stood out otherwise

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