I’ve just had my Newcastle interview and it was like really short, has anyone else had theirs and how long was it? Also does anyone know how long it will take them to make a decision?
I haven't has mine as I sent my application like 2 days ago. But I know someone who already did their Newcastle interview and they said it was quite short just a few minutes long and I think they got an offer in less than a week.
I’ve just had my Newcastle interview and it was like really short, has anyone else had theirs and how long was it? Also does anyone know how long it will take them to make a decision?
I haven't has mine as I sent my application like 2 days ago. But I know someone who already did their Newcastle interview and they said it was quite short just a few minutes long and I think they got an offer in less than a week.
I’ve just had my Newcastle interview and it was like really short, has anyone else had theirs and how long was it? Also does anyone know how long it will take them to make a decision?
mine was like 5 minutes i was so scared but i got an offer in like 3 days so it should be fine.
I’ve just had my Newcastle interview and it was like really short, has anyone else had theirs and how long was it? Also does anyone know how long it will take them to make a decision?
Anyone have any tips on how to prepare for the Newcastle interview, what is the question style like?
I had mine last week so this might not be full detailed but It's again your basic why pharmacy and then they ask like personality questions i think they are called questions about leadership (not saying you will be asked about leadership, or maybe you will). I would say what I did as prep was write down skills of pharmacist and then write down situations next to each one where you demonstrated this skill. I would also suggest pre planning the why pharmacy why Newcastle. But it's a very nice calm interview
I had mine last week so this might not be full detailed but It's again your basic why pharmacy and then they ask like personality questions i think they are called questions about leadership (not saying you will be asked about leadership, or maybe you will). I would say what I did as prep was write down skills of pharmacist and then write down situations next to each one where you demonstrated this skill. I would also suggest pre planning the why pharmacy why Newcastle. But it's a very nice calm interview
Is there any websites you used or ways you prepared for ethical questions
To be honest I didn't do much. I think I read up on standards of pharmacy just to a have a gauge on what pharmacists are expected to hold themselves to. Then I the day before just flicked through and tried some oriel situational judgement questions on quizlet because why not.
I think most ethical questions are common knowledge. I watched some YouTube videos from this girl: https://youtu.be/cHgzCITY-GI?si=7VHsa4ZX7NA8tgfu I guess my main tip is when listening to the situation don't just listen actively listen spot out the nuances whilst its being read fresh to you so then you brain is already ticking off thinking ok that's a problem or that's an issue which links to x and can lead to y so I have to do z.
Just had my Newcastle interview, is it bad that they didn’t ask if I had any questions and the interview itself was quite short?
No. Mine was like that. I had an interview like last month quite short no more than 10 minutes. Then got an offer two days later. So you are quite fine in terms of if it being short is a problem. It shouldn't be.
No. Mine was like that. I had an interview like last month quite short no more than 10 minutes. Then got an offer two days later. So you are quite fine in terms of if it being short is a problem. It shouldn't be.
Did they ask you if you had any questions for them?