The Student Room Group

University of York - urgent

My personal statement is geared towards history and ancient history but York only offers history - does this mean I can’t apply there because my statement includes history and ancient history and therefore inappropriate?

Help would really be appreciated
Hi milliemooboo17, I'm checking with our history department and will get back to you...

Original post by milliemooboo17
My personal statement is geared towards history and ancient history but York only offers history - does this mean I can’t apply there because my statement includes history and ancient history and therefore inappropriate?
Help would really be appreciated

As long as you have decent balance between the subjects, you should be okay !
Last year I applied for 3 different courses with 1 PS and still got 5/5 offers
Original post by milliemooboo17
My personal statement is geared towards history and ancient history but York only offers history - does this mean I can’t apply there because my statement includes history and ancient history and therefore inappropriate?
Help would really be appreciated

Hello, department have replied.

They say they: We understand people are applying for more than one course at different institutions and talking about ancient history in your personal statement will not have a negative impact in any way on your application to study History at York.

You're very welcome to reach out to the department on [email protected] too as they're always happy to answer questions.

Good luck with your application 🙂

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