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Edinburgh vs St Andrews?

im trying to decide whether to prioritise st andrews or edinburgh for uni this year, and there are a number of things pulling me towards each one. for starters edinburgh has a much lower student satisfaction than st andrews, but its a cheaper place to live and would be a lot better in the long run. im also indecisive between their courses, they both seem amazing and im really unsure of where to go.

anyone who has been to these unis, is the student satisfaction difference a big factor? how do you feel about the rest of the factors?

im applying for mphys theoretical physics at both unis if that helps.
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have you received acceptances from both?
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Original post by shupro
have you received acceptances from both?

not yet, so there is a chance i dont get accepted by one and dont have to decide, but im hopeful 🙏
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im currently leaning towards edinburgh, its a beautiful place and living there would be a lot more convenient too
Reply 4
omg i just realized you're the same person i replied to earlier 😭
but omg i get the struggle, im rly happy with the st andrews acceptance but part of me wants edinburgh too. i mean its just so beautiful and ive heard the research and academics is a lot better than at st andrews (i dont know how true it is, but i'd def wanna go somewhere wd more rigorous academics and research)
Reply 5
Recent University of St Andrews Graduate here, with many friends and family members having gone to Edinburgh University. Firstly I'd like to mention that I honestly believe there is no real wrong answer, both are amazing universities and will provide you all the tools you need to find success in your future. Speaking from only my experience, I believe that St Andrews has a really large focus on providing students the support they need with their studies, they have a super helpful student services team which is tightly integrated with the school, questionnaires and surveys for different modules which students are highly encouraged to fill out at the end of each semester, a highly flexible degree structure where you can really specialise into something you're interested in, and a really tight close knit community of Professors, Undergrads and Postgrads. I think the combination of these things allows St Andrews to continue improving their delivery of modules and therefore allow students to thrive, hence the high student satisfaction. As per how important that is? I think it really depends on how much you might "struggle" with your studies, I've met a few people who've studied physics from both universities and believe it can be quite an intense, difficult subject. At the most difficult times, it can be very useful to have people who will work with and help you succeed to the best of your abilities. As per the weaknesses of St Andrews in relation to Edinburgh, I think that indeed you may miss out on the spectacular Edinburgh city life experience. In St Andrews, many students actually travel to Dundee or Edinburgh during breaks or weekends just to experience a more exciting city life! For me, it wasn't so much an issue as the lack of city life actually allowed me to better focus on my studies, and I enjoyed simply being able to spend time with my friends at their flats/school laboratories. I also think that St Andrews is much less impressive in the Postgrad department than Edinburgh in terms of research, and probably resources (though I'm only speaking from the school I attended, the school of Computer Science) - for undergrad however, I'm sure you will be learning very similar things either way. If you've the chance to, I'd highly recommend going to open days for both universities so that you can have a look around the campuses, learn about how specific courses are delivered, meet some of the students/staff, ask questions, etc etc. Best of luck with your application!
Original post by stanc427
im trying to decide whether to prioritise st andrews or edinburgh for uni this year, and there are a number of things pulling me towards each one. for starters edinburgh has a much lower student satisfaction than st andrews, but its a cheaper place to live and would be a lot better in the long run. im also indecisive between their courses, they both seem amazing and im really unsure of where to go.
anyone who has been to these unis, is the student satisfaction difference a big factor? how do you feel about the rest of the factors?
im applying for mphys theoretical physics at both unis if that helps.

St. Andrews is the best!! It has a great town but it's not as distracting as a bigger city, which you can visit easily on the weekend. I went for my study abroad and I am BEGGING to go back! LMK if you wanna talk about it any more
Reply 7
Original post by ThinkingCat
St. Andrews is the best!! It has a great town but it's not as distracting as a bigger city, which you can visit easily on the weekend. I went for my study abroad and I am BEGGING to go back! LMK if you wanna talk about it any more

whats it like in the way of expenses? and what are the transport links like?

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