The Student Room Group

university wont give me a bursary! urgent

SFE somehow thought my parents made £70,000, when they actually make £32,000 and gave this info to my university (UOY) who automatically assess for bursaries and do not have applications for them, so they rejected me, but when my SFE maintenance loan was corrected from £4,500 to £10,700 on October 15th after months of hounding them, my university said since it was past October 1st I cant be reassessed and have to pay the first rent instalment without the bursary discount of £700.

I used this £700 to buy supplies including a laptop and was hoping to rely a bit on it, as my parents cant afford to support me. I cant afford to go through university without this bursary and will be in financial hell if i dont get it. ive emailed loads of times but they just say they cant go back and reassess, per their guidelines, but i dont see this as fair at all, since it wasnt even my fault, it was SFE's for taking 2+ months to sort out my application.

What can I do???
Did your parents provide all their income information by the SFE deadline in mid May 2024?

Have you looked into a student bank account with an interest free overdraft?

Have you asked about the process of making a formal complaint to york? And what the process and deadlines are for bursaries in other years of study? Or asked if their October deadline is for the term or the whole year?
Reply 2
Did your parents provide all their income information by the SFE deadline in mid May 2024?
Have you looked into a student bank account with an interest free overdraft?
Have you asked about the process of making a formal complaint to york? And what the process and deadlines are for bursaries in other years of study? Or asked if their October deadline is for the term or the whole year?

yes - but somehow they thought we earned more than double what we actually did and this took them forever to rectify. it was around August they randomly updated my maintenance loan, and October 15th it was amended.

what do you mean by formal complaint? to who? the principal or a governing body?

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