The Student Room Group

How to afford uni in London

I’m considering applying to London Unis (UCL/LSE) however I’m unsure weather I will be able to afford it.
I’m a state school student but I’m only eligible for around £6500 maintenance loan.
Is studying in London impossible or is there any other way that I can finance it?
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous
I’m considering applying to London Unis (UCL/LSE) however I’m unsure weather I will be able to afford it.
I’m a state school student but I’m only eligible for around £6500 maintenance loan.
Is studying in London impossible or is there any other way that I can finance it?

Your parents are supposed to make up the difference between what SFE give you and the full maintenance loan, so about another £7000 p/a but even this would mean that you would be living on a tight budget and unfortunately not every middle income family can afford to make up that difference whatever SFE thinks. Some universities give bursaries so look into that, but often they go to the students who are considered the poorest but who actually aren’t because they do receive the full maintenance loan.
A part time job will take up some of the slack but you are supposed to be studying so can’t take on too many hours.
If finance is going to be tight I would consider another university outside of London, otherwise things won’t be much fun.
Reply 2
Original post by Euapp
Your parents are supposed to make up the difference between what SFE give you and the full maintenance loan, so about another £7000 p/a but even this would mean that you would be living on a tight budget and unfortunately not every middle income family can afford to make up that difference whatever SFE thinks. Some universities give bursaries so look into that, but often they go to the students who are considered the poorest but who actually aren’t because they do receive the full maintenance loan.
A part time job will take up some of the slack but you are supposed to be studying so can’t take on too many hours.
If finance is going to be tight I would consider another university outside of London, otherwise things won’t be much fun.

I was considering applying for deferred entry, do a gap year to help fund it but I’m not sure if I could even make enough in a year. Would this be a good idea or is it just a waste of time
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous
I was considering applying for deferred entry, do a gap year to help fund it but I’m not sure if I could even make enough in a year. Would this be a good idea or is it just a waste of time

It would never be a waste of time, but if your parents can’t offer any help towards your living costs I doubt that you could save enough to cover the costs for 3 years of study. I think the first thing that you should do is have an honest conversation with your parents to find out how much of any they will be able to give you.
Reply 4
Original post by Euapp
It would never be a waste of time, but if your parents can’t offer any help towards your living costs I doubt that you could save enough to cover the costs for 3 years of study. I think the first thing that you should do is have an honest conversation with your parents to find out how much of any they will be able to give you.

My parents can offer help but only as much as they would if I was going to a non London uni which is more than fair. Therefore, I think I might be able to make enough with a gap year + part time work during my studies
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
My parents can offer help but only as much as they would if I was going to a non London uni which is more than fair. Therefore, I think I might be able to make enough with a gap year + part time work during my studies

That seems a reasonable solution.

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