The Student Room Group

second degree in engineering


I am a second year BA languages and linguistics undergrad student with 2 years left, one of which is a year abroad. I am considering doing a second degree in engineering. Would this be covered under student finance? if so what kind of funding can i expect especially as i won’t be living at home etc. I am hoping to do the mechanical engineering undergrad course or the design engineering undergrad course at imperial college, this would be full time. it’s still early days for me but i want to understand if these options are even viable economically.

If the courses at imperial are not possible, could MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WITH FOUNDATION YEAR (BENG HONS) at LSBU be looked into.

and if that’s not possible, are open university degrees funded by student finance?

Thank you
(edited 1 month ago)
Are you intending to complete your current degree?

Whether you have a BA and 4 years previous study or a DipHE and 2 years previous study makes a substantial difference to funding.
Hi there,

Do you plan to finish the course you are currently on? We will take your previous study into consideration when we assess you for your new entitlement.

Thanks, Drew

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