The Student Room Group

Supercurriculars for Biomed

Can you get into an average uni/ degree apprentership with these supercurriculars: formed a biomed society, attended a genomic insights day, have read quite a few books and articles, am doing an EPQ on ASD, and may get some work experience or attend a stem bases programme? I also have a bronze youth stem award, 10 grades 8/9 at GCSE, and voluteer at school/ Summer reading challenge/ charity shop.
Original post by BookWorm578
Can you get into an average uni/ degree apprentership with these supercurriculars: formed a biomed society, attended a genomic insights day, have read quite a few books and articles, am doing an EPQ on ASD, and may get some work experience or attend a stem bases programme? I also have a bronze youth stem award, 10 grades 8/9 at GCSE, and voluteer at school/ Summer reading challenge/ charity shop.

Honestly, I got into a Russel Group uni with a lot less supercurriculars than that. I read 3 books, got a tour of the haemotology lab at my local hospital, my art project was biomed based, visited an anatomy museum, DofE bronze and silver, a MOOC on anatomy and that's pretty much it. I'm pretty sure with biomed A-level grades matter much more so I would focus on those. It is incredibly hard to get prior relevant work experience at least by the time I decided I actually wanted to do biomed. I would pop an email to your tutor or careers advisor if you have one and they should point you to the right place of who to ask for more advice on this. If you want more supercurriculars to do, I would say the only thing that isn't on your list is an online course? This should be free but if you want an actual certificate you might need to pay. I didn't pay for mine and just talked about it in my personal statement.
Original post by harufolio
Honestly, I got into a Russel Group uni with a lot less supercurriculars than that. I read 3 books, got a tour of the haemotology lab at my local hospital, my art project was biomed based, visited an anatomy museum, DofE bronze and silver, a MOOC on anatomy and that's pretty much it. I'm pretty sure with biomed A-level grades matter much more so I would focus on those. It is incredibly hard to get prior relevant work experience at least by the time I decided I actually wanted to do biomed. I would pop an email to your tutor or careers advisor if you have one and they should point you to the right place of who to ask for more advice on this. If you want more supercurriculars to do, I would say the only thing that isn't on your list is an online course? This should be free but if you want an actual certificate you might need to pay. I didn't pay for mine and just talked about it in my personal statement.

Thank you! I’m going to try and talk to the careers advisor today and have a look at moocs. Are they as important if you’ve signed up to the frontier access program?
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 3
Original post by BookWorm578
Can you get into an average uni/ degree apprentership with these supercurriculars: formed a biomed society, attended a genomic insights day, have read quite a few books and articles, am doing an EPQ on ASD, and may get some work experience or attend a stem bases programme? I also have a bronze youth stem award, 10 grades 8/9 at GCSE, and voluteer at school/ Summer reading challenge/ charity shop.

with these wonderful extracurriculars it would be hard to find a uni that wouldn't take you. with this information it sounds as if you would have a very decked out personal statement. the only other thing I would suggest is volunteering for a charity close to one of your interests such as if you are particularly interested in paediatrics I would look into a charity that helps youths with disabilities or illnesses and do a bit of volunteering with them to get an insight into your specific interests.

hope this helps :smile:
Original post by BookWorm578
Thank you! I’m going to try and talk to the careers advisor today and have a look at moocs. Are they as important if you’ve signed up to the frontier access program?

Personally, I haven't signed up to it but it definitely looks better than online courses. I didn't consider biomed until much later so couldn't apply to these things.
Original post by CourtG
with these wonderful extracurriculars it would be hard to find a uni that wouldn't take you. with this information it sounds as if you would have a very decked out personal statement. the only other thing I would suggest is volunteering for a charity close to one of your interests such as if you are particularly interested in paediatrics I would look into a charity that helps youths with disabilities or illnesses and do a bit of volunteering with them to get an insight into your specific interests.
hope this helps :smile:

Thank you!

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