I started year 12 in September studying 3 subjects (Maths, Biology and Physics) and now my head of sixth has suggested that I should drop one subject. He’s suggesting this because even though my grades are good (A*A*B atm i think) Im struggling with the volume of work. This is mostly because my lesson attendance (due to my additional needs) is around 50% and whilst that’s a huge improvement for me from year 11 it’s getting very difficult to catch up on content whilst doing homework, revision for tests, work for practicals (which I have to do more of due to my needs) and extracurriculars.
I think it would be sensible to drop a subject because it feels really unfair that everyone else doesn’t have to do as much work for the same results as I do for reasons that I have no control over. Also trying to keep up the workload has made me quite unwell and my lesson attendance has gotten worse as the term has progressed. However, it’s a big decision and I want to be sure about it.
The basic idea would be that I would drop Physics now and then pick it up later (either at the start of year 13 or doubling up on lessons in an additional year) so I would still leave sixth form with 3 a levels and also preferably an EPQ. Im just a little uncertain about if this is a good idea and I can find very little info about people doing things like this online in terms of if unis have a problem with it, if this is allowed by sixth forms and any other drawbacks.
I wont be applying to oxbridge or anything and I actually would feel positive about having an extra year before going to uni. Does anyone have anything they could suggest I think about before making my decision?
For now Ive been told to stop doing Physics homework and ignore it for a few days to focus on my other subjects whilst I decide. Thanks in advance for any pointers