The Student Room Group

A beginner in Computer Science

Hi, I'm a sixth from A levels Computer Science student. I know nothing about coding and I'm trying to learn but it seems as if I'll never know how to code something from scratch on my own without copying anything or anyone.
Please is there anyone who has useful tips on how to learn (we use C# in school btw) because we will start our coursework soon and I have no idea how to code a single thing, school doesn't even help because we just copy what our teacher writes.
Anyone please????
Reply 1
I'm a Software Engineer. But i write code in Java. i can help about Java, DSA, System design, Design patterns or any software engineering topics.
Reply 2
Original post by mizanch
I'm a Software Engineer. But i write code in Java. i can help about Java, DSA, System design, Design patterns or any software engineering topics.

How is it been a software engineer... Do you think it is a good job to think about?

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