Hi, I’ve also been offered a place for Diagnostic Radiography and on the portal it asks for a clinical visit form. I’ve seen online that it says it is recommended, not compulsory, however I would ring admissions tomorrow to see if this is the case (I’m assuming it would have said compulsory on UCAS track if it was the case, as part of the conditional offer). Fortunately for me, in September I personally went into my local hospital and asked to see the practice education facilitator and was able to secure a 2 day placement. Go into your local hospital, as I have found it speeds up the process and gives you better chance rather than sending an email and waiting for someone to reply, they are very busy and you may get put to the bottom of their to do list pile. Insha’Allah it’s not the case that you need the clinical visit (if you’re struggling to find a placement). I recommend you ring BCU tomorrow and find out just in case, I doubt it will affect the offer but just for peace of mind.
Also, have you been offered a place anywhere else?
So far, I have been offered Keele and Coventry.
Waiting for Worcester (did the interview).
Is BCU your first choice?