The Student Room Group

Need insider perspectives on Sheffield

Hi, for A Level geography I have to study the differences between insider and outsider views on a far away place and I've been given Sheffield. I've never been so I'm really struggling to think of a view for someone who really knows the place well. Any chance anyone could tell me what they think?

Also, if you're like me and don't really know it I'd appreciate some outsider views too. Anything will really help.
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Hi, I am at uni here but originally from down south, so sort of an outsider? But I am in second year...
Sheffield is amazing - really green, friendly, quite liberal/woke, LOADS of independent shops - coffee, clothing, gift shops and stuff, quite folky, very crafty (there are loads of makers fairs and shops to buy handmade things), very vegetarian/vegan

Anything else just ask

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