The Student Room Group

Is a laptop worth it for school

Is a laptop good for school things or does it do the same as a phone and is it worth it to get one just for school getting into college and potentially uni
Original post by William1st
Is a laptop good for school things or does it do the same as a phone and is it worth it to get one just for school getting into college and potentially uni

Hi @William1st

When I was studying at school and sixth form, I simply used the IT facilities at my school. I did use laptops and computers a lot for essays and coursework, but at the time I found using what I had access to at school was enough.

Since coming to university, however, I have purchased a laptop as it's been easier to work from home. My uni also has a laptop lending service, so if you don't have laptop or computer access, you can borrow one. The requirement to have access to a computer will also depend on your course and if digital work is a big part of your coursework.

Most education providers will also have an online drive so you can save your work to your log in details and be able to access your work on other computers/laptops around school.

Overall, I would say you could manage without purchasing a laptop if you're happy using the facilities at school and uni. If you are looking at buying one, I would do some research into it first to find the best option for you, so there's no need to rush into buying one.

Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
Reply 2
Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hi @William1st
When I was studying at school and sixth form, I simply used the IT facilities at my school. I did use laptops and computers a lot for essays and coursework, but at the time I found using what I had access to at school was enough.
Since coming to university, however, I have purchased a laptop as it's been easier to work from home. My uni also has a laptop lending service, so if you don't have laptop or computer access, you can borrow one. The requirement to have access to a computer will also depend on your course and if digital work is a big part of your coursework.
Most education providers will also have an online drive so you can save your work to your log in details and be able to access your work on other computers/laptops around school.
Overall, I would say you could manage without purchasing a laptop if you're happy using the facilities at school and uni. If you are looking at buying one, I would do some research into it first to find the best option for you, so there's no need to rush into buying one.
Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

Thanks this helped alot
Reply 3
Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hi @William1st
When I was studying at school and sixth form, I simply used the IT facilities at my school. I did use laptops and computers a lot for essays and coursework, but at the time I found using what I had access to at school was enough.
Since coming to university, however, I have purchased a laptop as it's been easier to work from home. My uni also has a laptop lending service, so if you don't have laptop or computer access, you can borrow one. The requirement to have access to a computer will also depend on your course and if digital work is a big part of your coursework.
Most education providers will also have an online drive so you can save your work to your log in details and be able to access your work on other computers/laptops around school.
Overall, I would say you could manage without purchasing a laptop if you're happy using the facilities at school and uni. If you are looking at buying one, I would do some research into it first to find the best option for you, so there's no need to rush into buying one.
Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

What did you study and how did you like them?
Original post by William1st
What did you study and how did you like them?

Hey @William1st

So I'm currently in my final year of my Fashion Design undergraduate degree, which is exciting! I've really enjoyed it as I've been able to finally study a specific subject that I'm really interested in.

Before this, I did a foundation diploma in Art and Design after my A Levels. I had the grades I needed for my uni course, but wanted some more time to figure out what I really wanted to study at uni.

Then before that I did my A Levels in Art, Drama, History and German. These were probably the hardest qualifications I've done so far! Most likely because there was such a mix in coursework subjects and then essay subjects - and a language is always a bit tricky to study too! But they were still great fun in the end.

What are you studying at the moment? Any plans for uni or college?

Emily 🙂
Reply 5
Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hey @William1st
So I'm currently in my final year of my Fashion Design undergraduate degree, which is exciting! I've really enjoyed it as I've been able to finally study a specific subject that I'm really interested in.
Before this, I did a foundation diploma in Art and Design after my A Levels. I had the grades I needed for my uni course, but wanted some more time to figure out what I really wanted to study at uni.
Then before that I did my A Levels in Art, Drama, History and German. These were probably the hardest qualifications I've done so far! Most likely because there was such a mix in coursework subjects and then essay subjects - and a language is always a bit tricky to study too! But they were still great fun in the end.
What are you studying at the moment? Any plans for uni or college?
Emily 🙂

Wow those sound intresting im glad your doing something you enjoy and had fun and Ithink I am going to do biology enviromental science and geography for my A levels soon at college and good luck for your future
Original post by William1st
Wow those sound intresting im glad your doing something you enjoy and had fun and Ithink I am going to do biology enviromental science and geography for my A levels soon at college and good luck for your future


Thank you!

Wow! They sound like great choices! Good luck to you too! 🙂


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