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What does being sexually attracted to someone actually mean?

So I am pretty sure I'm asexual. I've dated and have been in a relationship but I honestly don't think I've ever felt any kind of attraction to anyone. I can look at someone and think they are good-looking (purely aesthetically without any kind of sexual context) and feel aroused when there is someone naked in bed with me and I know I'm going to have sex (which to me is purely mechanical - having certain parts of my body stimulated feels good and there's nothing more to it), but I don't feel anything else.

So I'm just wondering what other people mean when they are sexually attracted or even just attracted to someone? Like does it mean you feel aroused just by looking at them or what? And what about sex - is there more to it than just physical stimulation to most people? What goes through your mind?

I understand having an emotional connection or finding someone interesting and wanting to spend time with them, but you can have that with friends so why do people get into relationships? Is it just the sexual side of things and because it's conventional?

Please enlighten me, relationships are so confusing :colondollar:
For many people sexual attraction is just arousal but not because of the situation, but because of the person. Obviously, for some, it doesn't just mean getting horny when looking at them. They view intimacy as a spiritual and the next step to physical closeness; it's almost as if you were to tie your souls together.
I'm speaking purely for people who are in love, for others where it's just a quick **** they just do it for it to feel good. Usually no sexual attraction and if so it will never be deep enough for it to be romantic.

I'm not speaking for myself because I too am asexual lol. I went from being hypersexual to asexual. I hope it explained it okay, I personally would really love experiencing all this spiritual stuff but I'm absolutely terrified of sex and absolutely do not want to have it, even for the mechanics lol.

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