The Student Room Group

2025 Rothschild Application - Horizon & Pioneer

Hi everyone,

The Rothschild work experience programs are now open for Year 12 and Year 13 students! I thought it would be helpful to create a space where we can track our applications and share updates.

Wishing everyone the best of luck!


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Reply 1
hiiii, thanks for creating this! i applied for both yesterday, do you know when we will hear back xx
Reply 2
i really want to get in, but i heard its super competitive ahah
Reply 3
Original post by Srreeeer
i really want to get in, but i heard its super competitive ahah

I think it mostly comes down to the cover letter
Reply 4
yeah, probably!! have you applied and if so, what's your stats?
Absolutely, the cover letter holds great importance! I'm not sure when they would come back to us, maybe early next year?
Reply 6
What are your guys stats?
Reply 7
mine are AAA, yourss? have you got prior finance work experience?
Reply 8
Original post by Srreeeer
mine are AAA, yourss? have you got prior finance work experience?

I havent got any prior work experience related to finance but a bunch of related extra curricular, projects and courses. Im on a gap year so achieved A*A*A*, A(AS-level)
Reply 9
Original post by Srreeeer
mine are AAA, yourss? have you got prior finance work experience?

How long was your cover letter? mine was 600 words.. is that too long?
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 10
From what I've seen from other people in past years applying to Rothschild & Co on TSR, I don't think they care so much about grades or finance related experience, but they put heavy weight on the cover letter. It also seems like there is a bit of luck involved? Maybe depends a bit on when you applied as they recruit on a rolling basis.
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 11
Original post by hr1273
From what I've seen from past years applying to Rothschild & Co on TSR, I don't think they care so much about grades or finance related experience, but they put heavy weight on the cover letter. It also seems like there is a bit of luck involved? Maybe depends a bit on when you applied as they recruit on a rolling basis.

They do care about grades but within reason ofc. I would agree about it seeming random I think earliest people get it but yeah, it probably ends up being to do with the cover letter.
Reply 12
Original post by hr1273
How long was your cover letter? mine was 600 words.. is that too long? Also is there a GC for this?

Mine was 364 words but I think mine was probably weak as long as it is not just massive block paragraphs and actually has substance as well as being less than 1 page then its good.
Reply 13
They do care about grades but within reason ofc. I would agree about it seeming random I think earliest people get it but yeah, it probably ends up being to do with the cover letter.

Ofc they care to an extent, as you need at least 136 UCAS points to even apply, but it definitely doesn't hold as much weight as other parts of the application, especially the cover letter (from what i've seen, i could be completely wrong)
Reply 14
Original post by hr1273
Ofc they care to an extent, as you need at least 136 UCAS points to even apply, but it definitely doesn't hold as much weight as other parts of the application, especially the cover letter (from what i've seen, i could be completely wrong)

Tbh how much was your cover letter different to your resume/CV most of it is just reiteration. But that might just be me
Reply 15
Tbh how much was your cover letter different to your resume/CV most of it is just reiteration. But that might just be me

To sum it up, I talked about my motivations, why Rothschild & Co, past experience, super curricular & extra curricular. I linked my skills gained from all of those and how I can develop them further through this program.
Reply 16
Are there any other companies that you are applying to?
Only Rothschild so far, nothing else has opened yet (as far as I am aware!)
Reply 18
Original post by wily-sunflower
Only Rothschild so far, nothing else has opened yet (as far as I am aware!)

Which ones are you planning on doing that will open up later?
I'm not entirely sure yet, to be honest. If other finance places offer work experience, I might consider them too. But then again, there don’t seem to be too many finance placements around, so it really depends on what opens up later! And yourself?

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