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Reply 1
punch your eye and pretend you got mugged :smile:
Reply 2
punch your eye and pretend you got mugged :smile:

Yeeeees... By a vampire! Or say you fell on a hoover!
Reply 3
lol yea a hoover they were playing with a hoover last night at the party that may just work :smile:
Reply 4
lol yea a hoover they were playing with a hoover last night at the party that may just work :smile:

I'm actually scared to ask this but, why were and who were playing with a hoover?
Reply 5
Where is it? Any chance you can cover it up?

My ex used to give me them on the backof my neck when I was drunk and let him, then I'd forget about it and tie my hair up the next day, so embarrassing when someone finally pointed it out at the end of the day!!!
Reply 6
lol a house party, sum1 spilt an ash tray over the floor and sum1 brought out the hoover to clean it up then boys being boys and drunkin decided to play with it :P
Reply 7
lol a house party, sum1 spilt an ash tray over the floor and sum1 brought out the hoover to clean it up then boys being boys and drunkin decided to play with it :P

Ok, thats enough info! To be honest if its a big love bite you've got know chance. Make sure you pack lots of turtle necks to take to Spain...
GRRR! I got 1 last night when I was plastered booo trying to hide it from my mum but its rly hard.... (plus I got to spain tomorrow :s-smilie: lol)

Any suggestions to get it away quicker?

Try and wear clothing that will normally hide it. Perhaps a shirt or something? Or a fairly big jumper?
Reply 9
ice it, then put hot water over hot as u can stand.

its just the same as getting rid of a bruise :biggrin:
Reply 10
ice it, then put hot water over hot as u can stand.

its just the same as getting rid of a bruise :biggrin:

That actually works? Toothpaste is supposed to hide it but that's a load of bull!!!! oh, NEVER try and cover it up with foundation 'cause that just draws attention to it and then you'll look like a fool
Reply 11
Tell your Mum that you and your friends spilt some ash and got the hoover out to clear it up. Tell her you and the guys got carried away with the hoover and started playing a bit.

Then, when you say "nah, only joking, it's just a love bite" she'll be so relieved she won't rip you. (well, that's the plan..)
Reply 12
apparently so, we tried all sorts on my mate, and that worked.

LOL we told him to put alcohol on it and it made it worse :biggrin:
Reply 13
apparently so, we tried all sorts on my mate, and that worked.

LOL we told him to put alcohol on it and it made it worse :biggrin:

Team effort I see. hehe
Reply 14
:wink: :biggrin:
Reply 15
I saw a girl the other day with about 20 on her neck with no attempt at hiding them! i was pissing myself laughing!!! I just wondered if they were from the same person...
Toothpaste is meant to get them away faster. :confused: Know how you feel though. I got caught with one last weekend. Its a bitch init. :p:
Reply 17
If you straighten or curl your hair then just put a plaster over it and say you burnt yourself
Reply 18
Show it off to all your friends!
Show it off to all your friends!

No, thats gay!