The Student Room Group

how to get professional help without guardian at home knowing

i've been worried about my mental and physical health for a long time now but my guardian at home keeps dismissing the problem and blaming me for it all, i want to get proper help but every time i ask i get shut down without any real advice. it feels like the only people that listen aren't able to help me, and the people that can help don't want to listen. i've done research online and taken fitness tests at the gym that suggest i am in "concerning" mental and physical condition and that i need to seek medical help, my mum's side of the family also have a history of mental health problems as well.

thanks for reading all of this.
Go to see a doctor.

Your Guardian need not be informed of your medical information provided that you have sufficient mental competence to make decisions about medical matters. This is known as "Gillick competence."

You could also ring Child Line.

Tell the doctor or any advice line which you contact that you have a Guardian. If a Court has already made orders about your medical welfare, the doctor etc need to know this.


(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Stiffy Byng
Go to see a doctor.
Your Guardian need not be informed of your medical information provided that you have sufficient mental competence to make decisions about medical matters. This is known as "Gillick competence."
You could also ring Child Line.
Tell the doctor or any advice line which you contact that you have a Guardian. If a Court has already made orders about your medical welfare, the doctor etc need to know this.
is there an easy way to know if i would be able to have Gillick competence or not
Original post by Diggy Robinson
is there an easy way to know if i would be able to have Gillick competence or not
If you are aged sixteen or seventeen, you are presumed to have Gillick competence absent evidence to the contrary. If you are eighteen, you are an adult and your Guardian has no say in your medical affairs, absent a ruling by the Court of Protection that you lack capacity.
Hello, sorry to hear you’re feeling like this. You have done really well to use this space to be honest about how you are feeling. It sounds like right now you are struggling to access confidential support. Please know that you are not alone. If your mental health concerns are causing you to experience suicidal thoughts please reach out to us- you can call Hopeline247 on 0800 068 4141 or text on 88247 to speak to a trained suicide prevention adviser who will be more than happy to help.
(edited 3 weeks ago)
Original post by Diggy Robinson
i've been worried about my mental and physical health for a long time now but my guardian at home keeps dismissing the problem and blaming me for it all, i want to get proper help but every time i ask i get shut down without any real advice. it feels like the only people that listen aren't able to help me, and the people that can help don't want to listen. i've done research online and taken fitness tests at the gym that suggest i am in "concerning" mental and physical condition and that i need to seek medical help, my mum's side of the family also have a history of mental health problems as well.
thanks for reading all of this.

As others have stated, go and see your GP.

There is a lot of support out there such as:

-The Samaritans, you can call 116 123, which is available 24 hours a day

-Mind, 0300 123 3393

-Saneline, 0300 304 7000, from 4.30pm-10.30pm

-The mix, 0800 808 4994, 11am-11pm

-SHOUT, text 852258, 24 hour text service

-Crises, 741741, text service

-Papyrus, 0800 068 4141, if you have thoughts of suicide or in emotional distress

-Rethink mental health, 0300 5000 927

-No Panic, 0800 138 8889

-Relate, they have a chat advisor

-NHS mental health, 111

-Kooth,, a chat, message website

-7cups,, 24/7 online chat

-Support line, 01708 765200, email: [email protected]

-Anxiety UK, 03444 775 774, 9:30am to 17:30pm Mon to Friday, a text service 07537 416905

-Young minds,


-Mental Health 24/7: 0800 008 6516

-hubofhope website, useful contact information for your local area

You can self refer yourself to talking therapies on the NHS website.

Young minds website has a variety of information for mental health, from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, stress to loneliness etc.

There is the mind forum

Also Facebook groups

You can join support groups

You can contact a crises team if things get ver
y bad

Plenty of
resources online, infor mation regarding well being.

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