The Student Room Group

Revision (Y11)

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any advise on how to boost my grades for the subjects below ? Or in general just how to revise them.
English Literature :
Working at: Grade 8
Want: Grade 9
English Language:
Working at: Grade 7
Want: Grade 8
Working at: Grade 6
Want: Grade 6 or 7
Working at: 4-4
Want: 6-6 or 7-7
Kind Regards, Georgia
maths in specific i was becoming really sloppy with like in year 9 i used to be a consistent close to full marks, but into year 10 i was just getting 9's but in year 11 mocks it all went down hill, i was i mark into a 8 and this is when i got my wake up call and what i did form here was pure magic, the main thing for maths is past paper question just keep practicing question in your spare time it so good for your brain to come back and revise and get those topic lists your teachers give and rag rate it and go through the ones you are unsure and try to do lots of exam question to do for them and, try to see where you are dropping marks, and form there your grades will speak for themselves ! ( i used this website for any topic i was unsure of ,as it has videos and worksheets for every topic :, ( and i would do lots of past papers for maths, the more you do the better),
i did this and i got 235/240 across the three papers in the end
Original post by twistycrayon434
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any advise on how to boost my grades for the subjects below ? Or in general just how to revise them.
English Literature :
Working at: Grade 8
Want: Grade 9
English Language:
Working at: Grade 7
Want: Grade 8
Working at: Grade 6
Want: Grade 6 or 7
Working at: 4-4
Want: 6-6 or 7-7
Kind Regards, Georgia

English lit = instead of remembering whole quotations like everyone says, remember key description words and short quotations and teach your how to embed your quotations if you haven't already.
"The trees seemed orange and dull"
What you would write:
The trees in [ name ] are described as "orange" and "dull". This suggests.... (inference, etc.)
If you already know how to do that, make practice paragraphs, analyse what other people wrong (example paragraphs) and if they have good points steal those for yourself

English lang = Read fiction books in your free time, or extracts of it. Feel free to also read poetry, when reading it in your free time try to point out or notice anything you might've learnt in class (e.g. hyperbole, metaphor, etc.)

Mathematics= my school used drfrostmaths, I don't know if it's free but it's a ver good maths website. You can choose topics to revise and it can give you up to 10 or infinite example questions for you to do. corbett also has good practices, past paper questions will always be your best option tho (physics&maths tutor is good too)

Science = I'm guessing you're doing trilogy, cognito is a very good website for that. They also make videos on youtube if you don't feel like signing up and making an account. For physics, same thing as maths except for the drfrostmaths. Chemistry is honestly all about memorising patters in the periodic table & some specific elements (see which elements/compounds/etc come up most in your lessons as it'll probably come up often in the exam aswell). For biology, lots of key words needed, so have a glossary or something along those lines
Reply 3
Original post by twistycrayon434
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any advise on how to boost my grades for the subjects below ? Or in general just how to revise them.
English Literature :
Working at: Grade 8
Want: Grade 9
English Language:
Working at: Grade 7
Want: Grade 8
Working at: Grade 6
Want: Grade 6 or 7
Working at: 4-4
Want: 6-6 or 7-7
Kind Regards, Georgia

English lit:
-Physics and Maths tutor has A LOT of really great analysis
-learn a few key quotes for each character/ theme - some will overlap so you won’t have to learn as many
-make mind maps of key concepts & quotes - one thing that helped me get a 9 was being able to use multiple quotes in the same paragraph, by showing how it they link/ contrast/ foreshadow etc.
-you also don’t have to stick to a strict PEAL structure (or whatever you use). For introductions of the texts I would always use a bit of context, and the author’s message

English lang:
-learn the structure of each question for each paper - your teacher should teach you this but there’s also online help
-for Q5s, prepare some sort of answer/ structure in advance and perfect it so you can use the same ideas/ phrases - get your teacher to mark your practices
-practice papers under timed conditions

-little and often!! i recommend doing CorbettMaths 5 a day - it helps doing a little bit of revision everyday and can show you your weak spots. CorbettMaths also has videos that go through the topics
-Physics and Maths tutor has questions by topic, and i recommend doing as many past papers as possible (save some for later revision though)

-mind maps per topic
-flashcards for key terms - learn the specific wording that is on the mark scheme as they reuse a lot of the same questions
-past paper questions to know what kinds of questions they ask, and to get better at application questions
for science, I used the cgp flashcards and cognito- id do a flashcard, and if I couldn't I would search for the topic on cognito and then try again. this helped me go from a 4 to an 8 in biology
Original post by twistycrayon434
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any advise on how to boost my grades for the subjects below ? Or in general just how to revise them.
English Literature :
Working at: Grade 8
Want: Grade 9
English Language:
Working at: Grade 7
Want: Grade 8
Working at: Grade 6
Want: Grade 6 or 7
Working at: 4-4
Want: 6-6 or 7-7
Kind Regards, Georgia is a lifesaver, and it's free. I tend to also watch The GCSE Maths Tutor on Yotube for Maths, and Science Shorts, Freesciencelessons and Cognito. For English Lit and Lang, watch Mr Salles, Mr Bruff and Mr Everything English

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