The Student Room Group

A Level Media - Distance Learning

Wondering if there's anyone out there who's done Media Studies at A Level? I'm 25 years old, getting back to doing my A levels (never finished them at 18). I did Media at AS years ago, was hoping if anybody can give any advice before I throw myself into it? I'm doing it all online via Oxbridge Home Learning around my full time job, there are no face-to-face tutor calls, mostly PDF's and past papers - basically I'll be self taught! I remember coursework was a group activity at AS, so not sure how I'm going to manage that alone!

I really enjoyed it at AS and regret not finishing my A2, which is why I'm getting back into gear now. I'm confident I can do it, but haven't written an essay in donkeys years.

Any tips or advice for this boomer over here would be greatly appreciated...! :smile:

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