The Student Room Group

Warwick Economics

I applied for Warwick Economics with 4 predicted A* including Further Maths and good personal statement . I got only 3.8 in TMUA . Am I getting rejected for sure or is there still any hope for me ?
Reply 1
I'm also wondering the tmua requirement for econ...😭
uncertainty is tough to handle . not sure 3.8 means reject☹️ or still can keep some hope

all the hard work and focus getting drained due to one TMUA is hard to digest
Reply 3
Original post by casper.seeker5
uncertainty is tough to handle . not sure 3.8 means reject☹️ or still can keep some hope
all the hard work and focus getting drained due to one TMUA is hard to digest

hope they can consider other thing as well, like A* in further math.

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