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Resits gcse english or not

Hi, I'm year12 rn and I want to do vet course in uni. However I have did some research and found that most uni need a grade 5 or above for gcse english language. And I have only got a 4. Does it worth to resit? Or if my a level grades meet the requirement do I still be considered? Or do I get instantly reject if my gcses dont meet. I know there is some course that have lower requirements but with an extra year, I dont really want to study 6 years tho. Please give some advice.
Original post by neeEEOOOoow
Hi, I'm year12 rn and I want to do vet course in uni. However I have did some research and found that most uni need a grade 5 or above for gcse english language. And I have only got a 4. Does it worth to resit? Or if my a level grades meet the requirement do I still be considered? Or do I get instantly reject if my gcses dont meet. I know there is some course that have lower requirements but with an extra year, I dont really want to study 6 years tho. Please give some advice.

It's simple. Resit.
Reply 2
Original post by neeEEOOOoow
Hi, I'm year12 rn and I want to do vet course in uni. However I have did some research and found that most uni need a grade 5 or above for gcse english language. And I have only got a 4. Does it worth to resit? Or if my a level grades meet the requirement do I still be considered? Or do I get instantly reject if my gcses dont meet. I know there is some course that have lower requirements but with an extra year, I dont really want to study 6 years tho. Please give some advice.

Are you taking english as an A level? If you are I'd say you probably will be alright although it is a good idea to contact uni admission teams to double check. If not though I highly suggest resitting it asap as I know someone who was rejected from multiple universities for not meeting their maths GCSE requirement even though she got four A*s in her a level. Albeit her case was for a different course (international relations) I doubt vet schools will be very lenient due to the highly competitive nature of the course.
Original post by neeEEOOOoow
Hi, I'm year12 rn and I want to do vet course in uni. However I have did some research and found that most uni need a grade 5 or above for gcse english language. And I have only got a 4. Does it worth to resit? Or if my a level grades meet the requirement do I still be considered? Or do I get instantly reject if my gcses dont meet. I know there is some course that have lower requirements but with an extra year, I dont really want to study 6 years tho. Please give some advice.

Resit - just ask your school.
Reply 4
Original post by neeEEOOOoow
Hi, I'm year12 rn and I want to do vet course in uni. However I have did some research and found that most uni need a grade 5 or above for gcse english language. And I have only got a 4. Does it worth to resit? Or if my a level grades meet the requirement do I still be considered? Or do I get instantly reject if my gcses dont meet. I know there is some course that have lower requirements but with an extra year, I dont really want to study 6 years tho. Please give some advice.

Resit, definetly! I have a friend (in Y12) who's hoping to do medicine in university, but when she spoke to the admissions team for a university they told her to resit since she had a grade 5 in English Language and she needed atleast a 6 due to medicine being a heavily competitive course. Now, she is hopefully resitting in June. So, I highly recommend for you to resit!
isn't it too late now i did my resits in November i got a grade 5 in GCSE so i wanted to improve it and the exams where in November

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