Your tuition fee loan is a loan which you will only start paying back in small increments once you start earning above a certain amount, and many people never pay off their full amount as it is written off after a certain number of years.
Uni is about setting yourself up for the future you want. I would recommend prioritising which course looks the most appealing to you first and foremost as this is what you will be doing for the next 3-5 years, which location/campus you feel more at ease and at home in, and yes the cost of accommodation both in halls and afterwards in the city.
Your tuition fee loan is a loan which you will only start paying back in small increments once you start earning above a certain amount, and many people never pay off their full amount as it is written off after a certain number of years.
Uni is about setting yourself up for the future you want. I would recommend prioritising which course looks the most appealing to you first and foremost as this is what you will be doing for the next 3-5 years, which location/campus you feel more at ease and at home in, and yes the cost of accommodation both in halls and afterwards in the city.
Last reply 1 month ago
University of Bath or Royal Holloway for Business Management