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University of Manchester Interview

How are interviews from Manchester like? Especially maths or physics related courses? Will they ask a lot of the books and stuff I mentioned in my personal statement? Or is it more knowledged based (like they set physics questions for me to answer)? I've applied for physics with astrophysics but haven't received any news yet, but just want to prep early if possible :biggrin:
Reply 1
Were you at the interview day today? It was for physics students and you should’ve received an invite on UCAS.
Reply 2
I'm applying UCAS through my school, and I don't think my school has sent my application to UCAS yet...
How many rounds will they be doing? Are there any more interviews in Jan or Feb 2025?
Reply 3
I’m not too sure. I applied for Physics with Astrophysics MSc and had an interview day on Wednesday. My offer came through on Thursday night.
Original post by subhan29
I’m not too sure. I applied for Physics with Astrophysics MSc and had an interview day on Wednesday. My offer came through on Thursday night.

Congratulations!! Would you mind sharing how's the interview like? I'm also prepping for it...
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
Congratulations!! Would you mind sharing how's the interview like? I'm also prepping for it...

It just depends who interviews you to be honest. My interview was a very relaxed conversation about a practical I did on electromagnetism, particle physics on topics like wave-particle duality, dark matter and dark energy. Most of the talking was done by my interviewer as he explained various different topics we were speaking about in detail, and I asked a few questions about the university and what they were looking for in a student. Other applicants had one A-Level style question to answer (which I didn’t), and some had a few. But they also said that they were quite easy to answer, so that shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Overall, the interview day was really interesting and informative. They also say that if you have an interview they will already be making you an offer, but the interview is to be used in the next summer if you miss the entry requirements by a grade. Hope this helped.
Reply 6
Original post by subhan29
It just depends who interviews you to be honest. My interview was a very relaxed conversation about a practical I did on electromagnetism, particle physics on topics like wave-particle duality, dark matter and dark energy. Most of the talking was done by my interviewer as he explained various different topics we were speaking about in detail, and I asked a few questions about the university and what they were looking for in a student. Other applicants had one A-Level style question to answer (which I didn’t), and some had a few. But they also said that they were quite easy to answer, so that shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Overall, the interview day was really interesting and informative. They also say that if you have an interview they will already be making you an offer, but the interview is to be used in the next summer if you miss the entry requirements by a grade. Hope this helped.

Ohh I see, thank you very much! I thought it would be in a similar format as those in Oxbridge🤣 Hope to see you in Manchester!
My daughter is doing a particle physics phd at Manchester. Her interview was very different as its based on her what shes done so far in her undergrad, but the staff there were absolutely superb and very approachable. If anything Manchester would be a bit more relaxed than Oxbridge. Undergrad she had interviews at Oxford, York and Lancaster, and York and Lancaster was much more relaxed she thought.
Wishing you both the very best of luck for Manchester. Its a great uni for physics 🙂
Reply 8
Original post by lululemontea
I'm applying UCAS through my school, and I don't think my school has sent my application to UCAS yet...
How many rounds will they be doing? Are there any more interviews in Jan or Feb 2025?

Hiya, I have an interview on Feb 5th so I wouldn't be too worried as I am pretty sure they do them through feb/march.
Original post by subhan29
It just depends who interviews you to be honest. My interview was a very relaxed conversation about a practical I did on electromagnetism, particle physics on topics like wave-particle duality, dark matter and dark energy. Most of the talking was done by my interviewer as he explained various different topics we were speaking about in detail, and I asked a few questions about the university and what they were looking for in a student. Other applicants had one A-Level style question to answer (which I didn’t), and some had a few. But they also said that they were quite easy to answer, so that shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Overall, the interview day was really interesting and informative. They also say that if you have an interview they will already be making you an offer, but the interview is to be used in the next summer if you miss the entry requirements by a grade. Hope this helped.

Hi, would you be able to give some details of what the day was like before the interview and how it works??? And do you know if they give you pen, paper and calculator etc if they give you an alevel style question or is it an oral answer?
Thank you
Original post by charliemck2006
Hi, would you be able to give some details of what the day was like before the interview and how it works??? And do you know if they give you pen, paper and calculator etc if they give you an alevel style question or is it an oral answer?
Thank you

There’s a campus tour, a taster lecture, an overview of the courses, as well as the interview. You also get a break. Everyone started with the overview on my day, then split into groups following an individual timetable (groups A, B, C, D) with the activities mixed throughout the day (for example, group A might have the tour first whilst group B has the interviews first). In terms of the questions during the interview, I was told they’ll provide you with any resources needed, such as pens, papers, etc.
Original post by charliemck2006
Hi, would you be able to give some details of what the day was like before the interview and how it works??? And do you know if they give you pen, paper and calculator etc if they give you an alevel style question or is it an oral answer?
Thank you

Hey, just had my interview day and it was pretty chill. Interview itself was only 20 minutes long, I was asked to expand on some of the things in my personal statement. It was just a chat with the person interviewing me basically - she just kinda spoke about how her field of physics related to some of the things that I was interested in. I was asked one a level type question and it was kinda easy - it was about geostationary satellites.
Original post by Anonymous
Hey, just had my interview day and it was pretty chill. Interview itself was only 20 minutes long, I was asked to expand on some of the things in my personal statement. It was just a chat with the person interviewing me basically - she just kinda spoke about how her field of physics related to some of the things that I was interested in. I was asked one a level type question and it was kinda easy - it was about geostationary satellites.

This has definitely eased my nerves, I’m just worried because I’m from NI so my exam board is different and I know that AQA has a lot more on astrophysics in the alevel course compared to my exam board but hopefully I get a nice question
Original post by charliemck2006
This has definitely eased my nerves, I’m just worried because I’m from NI so my exam board is different and I know that AQA has a lot more on astrophysics in the alevel course compared to my exam board but hopefully I get a nice question

Yeah I wouldn't be too worried!! I was so so so nervous before but honestly it was fine. It is only 20 minutes so intense can it really get in that time lol!! I'm sure they're aware of the diff exam boards and that not every is taught the exact same thing so I'm sure the questions are generic rather than super specific so I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck!!
Original post by charliemck2006
This has definitely eased my nerves, I’m just worried because I’m from NI so my exam board is different and I know that AQA has a lot more on astrophysics in the alevel course compared to my exam board but hopefully I get a nice question

Oh yeah also a week before your interview day theyll send an email with all the information you need. And in the interview there is a couple of blank sheets of paper and a pen. There was no calculator there I think because theyre interested in how you would go about getting the answer and your method rather than you actually calculating a value

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