The Student Room Group

Official Uni of Cardiff Offer Holders Thread 2025 entry

Hello everyone!!

Welcome to the official discussion thread for students who have received an offer from the University of Cardiff for 2025 entry

You can chat with other offer holders and see if you can find someone who could be in your class next year

Also let us know what A-Levels/other qualifications you are taking and the course that you applied for!!


Click here to find the Official Offer Holder Thread Directory for 2025 to check out other Unis!

I got an offer for philosophy, and I study a levels english lit, business studies and RE!!
Original post by hhunter689
I got an offer for philosophy, and I study a levels english lit, business studies and RE!!

Congratulations! So glad to hear that!
I'm in my fourth year here at Cardiff and I love it, any questions please let me know!

Grace - Cardiff Uni Student Rep :smile:
Reply 3
Hi all! I got an offer to study Journalism, Politics and Communications at Cardiff. I’m hoping to meet people also studying this next year :smile: My A-levels are English Lit, Psychology and Sociology.
Hi, very happy I got an offer to study Modern History and Politics at Cardiff, absolutely love the city and the campus - Currently unsure whether to put Cardiff (ABB) or Surrey (BBB for politics with a placement year) down as my insurance choice. Are Cardiff likely to accept BBB if I get those grades in August? (considering I have a strong personal statement and a C in EPQ) My A-levels are Psychology Economics and History :smile:
Original post by Blinkr
Hello everyone!!
Welcome to the official discussion thread for students who have received an offer from the University of Cardiff for 2025 entry
You can chat with other offer holders and see if you can find someone who could be in your class next year
Also let us know what A-Levels/other qualifications you are taking and the course that you applied for!!

Click here to find the Official Offer Holder Thread Directory for 2025 to check out other Unis!

I got offer for law. I am doing Criminology, Sociology and IT
Hi @ashers0031 @underwrld13 @bbless_

Congratulations guys! Thats great!
As always, any questions let me know!

Grace - Cardiff Uni Student Rep :smile:
Conditional offer for Computer Science with industrial year (UG). I am international student.
1) Want to know which accommodation is suitable. Senghennydd Court and Senghennydd Hall suggested for CS - but these accommodation looks so cramped and outdated .
2) Taly Court looks good - but it is very far ? Are there bus or other ways to attend classes from here ? Does other CS students lives in Taly Court ?
3) Adam Street suggestion option room also looks so small - do we have space there to keep 30kg luggage trolly ? where to keep cloths and all ?
4) Any other good stay option for CS students not expensive?
5) Are there tiffin service available - like tiffin home drop. preferably spicy food :smile: ?
6) Which accommodation is safe for female students.
7) Can single guest (Mother) stay with me for two weeks initially or what are options for parents who visit to help settle ?
(edited 1 week ago)
Original post by hhunter689
I got an offer for philosophy, and I study a levels english lit, business studies and RE!!

I'm doing philosophy and welsh!
Original post by Blinkr
Hello everyone!!
Welcome to the official discussion thread for students who have received an offer from the University of Cardiff for 2025 entry
You can chat with other offer holders and see if you can find someone who could be in your class next year
Also let us know what A-Levels/other qualifications you are taking and the course that you applied for!!

Click here to find the Official Offer Holder Thread Directory for 2025 to check out other Unis!

I've got an offer for welsh and philosophy!! i currently do RE, Welsh and History A-level!
Original post by astonished-sente
I've got an offer for welsh and philosophy!! i currently do RE, Welsh and History A-level!

Well done!
Any questions about student life or living in Cardiff, feel free to let me know!

Grace - Cardiff Uni Student Rep :smile:
Original post by astonished-sente
I'm doing philosophy and welsh!


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