The Student Room Group

Official Imperial College London Offer Holders Thread 2025 entry

Hello everyone!!

Welcome to the official discussion thread for students who have received an offer from Imperial College London for 2025 entry

You can chat with other offer holders and see if you can find someone who could be in your class next year

Also let us know what A-Levels/other qualifications you are taking and the course that you applied for!!


Click here to find the Official Offer Holder Thread Directory for 2025 to check out other Unis!

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Reply 1
Wondering if anyone got an offer for biological sciences?
Reply 2
Original post by Tracy31817
Wondering if anyone got an offer for biological sciences?

i've only heard about aero offers being given out so far
Reply 3
Really hope Imperial come through with some decisions before the Christmas break.
Imperial told us that they were going to publish some decisions before January 30th
Reply 5
Day after the UCAS deadline? Was this for a specific subject?
A group of people were invited to chem eng admission days for interviews and tours the admissions people said they would get in touch 3 weeks later but after the ESAT results they amended this to late Janurary.
hi!!i have an offer for biochem, i have predicted a*a*a*a* bio chem maths and epq 😀 my offer is AAA
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by h_077
i've only heard about aero offers being given out so far

Thank you! Then I shall be waiting hhhhhh💫
Reply 9
Imperial Physics delaying decisions until after the Jan ESAT sitting - I get the equal consideration angle, but a ton of people sat a new test half a term into y13 in a new format - I don’t think it’s like for like. Makes me view Imperial Physics dept differently. Better to take the ESAT 3 months later and have Dec holiday to prep..
I got an aero offer, I'm predicted and got offered A*A*A*A
Reply 11
Did anyone receive mechanical engineering offers?
Original post by Bh0279
Did anyone receive mechanical engineering offers?

I haven't heard of anyone receiving a mechanical engineering offer so far for Imperial but I still haven't heard back for an interview for it so I'm slightly stressed... Good luck anyways :smile:
I got an offer for Materials Sciences and Engineering!
Original post by Anonymous
I got an offer for Materials Sciences and Engineering!

hii congrats! if you don't mind, what's the grade you applied with? because I'm applying to the same major, but I haven't gotten an offer yet.
(edited 1 month ago)
Anybody heard back from the Computer science department?
Original post by priyanshusingh
Anybody heard back from the Computer science department?

Yes, Computing yesterday, international applicant.
Original post by Anonymous
Yes, Computing yesterday, international applicant.

Many congratulations! What’s your TMUA score? Any conditions?
Original post by priyanshusingh
Many congratulations! What’s your TMUA score? Any conditions?

tmua 7.5 with achieved AL results of 4A*, condition - to provide and verify AL results. International applicant here.
What are your (predicted) results?
Original post by Blinkr
Hello everyone!!
Welcome to the official discussion thread for students who have received an offer from Imperial College London for 2025 entry
You can chat with other offer holders and see if you can find someone who could be in your class next year
Also let us know what A-Levels/other qualifications you are taking and the course that you applied for!!

Click here to find the Official Offer Holder Thread Directory for 2025 to check out other Unis!

i applied for geophysics with a year abroad and my offer is AAA in physics maths and geo

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