im a year 12 student, studying bio chem psych for a level and am an aspiring nurse!
i currently volunteer at a local community hospital and have spent a week at a primary school for work experience as well. I have also secured 3 days work experience for Medicine in February in NHS hospital as well.
however, my school has a mandatory work experience week in May and i am unsure what to do for that week. there is no work experience with the NHS as they have specific intakes (which i have secured a spot for one of those Medicine intakes in february as mentioned) so i dont think hospital work experience will be possible. I am planning to apply for the Nursing Intake but that isnt in May where i need it to be,
what could i do for my work experience in May? please suggest some im very unsure what else i could do. should i do it in a special needs school? please help🙏
thank you!